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“Whole Pool of Talent”: Jim and John Harbaugh Advocate for More Women Coaches in the NFL

Aditya Rajput

“Whole Pool of Talent”: Jim and John Harbaugh Advocate for More Women Coaches in the NFL

Both Jim and John Harbaugh have set up a family dynasty of coaches, brilliantly impacting the game of football at its grandest stage. So, who better than the Harbaugh duo to talk about women’s empowerment and their inclusion in the coaching lounge? During an interview for the Baltimore Ravens, Jim and John did exactly that and spoke their hearts out about how things are changing for women in sports.

The brothers duo talked about the kind of women coaches they have encountered in their coaching careers, noting that women bring a unique perspective and coaching style. Jim added about his storied tenure in Michigan, where he had multiple women on his coaching staff.

They took positions like assistant coach, strength coach, nutritionist, and operations manager. John noted that they were exceptional at their work. He even mentioned that they brought in a drive and energy into their jobs that was previously unseen.

“I found at Michigan — it happened in 2018 and 2019 — Brenda Tracey, I know she talked to your (Baltimore Ravens) team. She talked to my team (Michigan Wolverines), and it just opened my eyes to the perspective that women have. So, from there, I just (hired) five to six women onto the staff,” Jim said.

Ravens head coach John Harbaugh echoed this sentiment and staunchly advocated for female coaches to be present in the NFL. The coach spoke about how there is an untapped source of talent that can be unlocked. He said, “We’re opening up the doors a little more. Like Jim said, women, that’s a whole pool of talent out there that is available to coach sports.” 

“I saw a woman’s coach for the (Indiana) Pacers just the other day on the bench. I don’t know her name, but I saw her coaching on the bench and I thought to myself, ‘Wow! That’s pretty cool’,” John added.

And the change is prominent! When it comes to the participation of women, there has been a noticeable shift in NFL coaching staff composition over the years.

Women in the NFL Over the Years

While NFL coaching staff and front offices remain a male-dominated space, there has also been a notable change in recent years. The league has seen an upward rise in women in full-time coaching and operation roles. As reported by AP News, a total of 223 women will be working in a full-time coaching or operations role this season.

While this seems like a small number, it is a 141% rise since 2020, with only 92 women in the league back then. Moreover, the overall percentage of women in the NFL’s league offices will be at an all-time high of 41.3% in 2022. This is a massive increase from 2014 when only 29.6% of women were in the NFL’s league offices.

Slowly but surely, women are rising up on the NFL coaching ladder. With their increased involvement, the game is in a good place to evolve and become better with different perspectives. With this positive change, it is only a matter of time before we see a woman head coach of an NFL team.

Post Edited By:Samnur Reza

About the author

Aditya Rajput

Aditya Rajput


Aditya Rajput is an NFL writer at The Sports Rush. Aditya has a blazing interest in the NFL and has been watching the sport since high school. He has been an avid watcher of the game and understands the nuances of the sport. He has been partial to the Kansas City Chiefs with one exception: Tom Brady.

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