The upcoming Valorant Episode 7 is ready to introduce some exciting major changes to the title’s progression system, such as revamped daily rewards, agent recruitment events, agent gear, accessory store, and much more. Riot Games will roll out all these brand-new changes into the title on June 27th, along with episode 7. Hence, in order to enjoy these perks, players must grind out their agent contracts before the aforementioned date.
This great news came just a few hours ago from the Valorant’s official YouTube video, where Riot’s lead producer, Preeti Khanolkar, herself explained every change in the upcoming episode.
Moreover, she also mentioned that episode 7 will feature tonnes of new changes, and the Riot team will announce everything in the coming few weeks. Let’s dive into a detailed analysis of all the upcoming new progression systems.
Valorant Episode 7 brand new progression system update
Riot Games, through its Valorant YouTube video, announced the progression system update. Moreover, Preeti Khanolkar specifically explains everything in a detailed manner. Let’s check them all out.
Revamped Daily Rewards and the new currency
Daily Rewards will be more rewarding than ever, irrespective of whether you play Escelation, Premier, Competitive, TDMs, or unrated matches. Apart from XP, these daily rewards will now grant Kingdom Credits, a new free currency using which players can unlock free in-game content.
Agent Contracts
Agent contacts quoted as an “agent recruitment event” by Preeti Khanolkar are free event passes that will automatically activate a new agent on its release day. In fact, players will also be able to unlock new agents using Valorant points and Kingdom Credits. However, in order to use Kingdom Credits, players will have to wait until the recruitment event ends.

Agent Gear
All the currently available items in the agent contracts will continue to exist even in episode 7. But now, players will have the flexibility to spend their hard-earned currency wherever they want.
Accessory Store
Arguably, the best feature of the upcoming update is that the game will allow players to spend Kingdom Credits in the accessory store to unlock items and battle pass accessories as well.
No doubt, these announcements are great news for the Valorant community. Hence, episode 7 seems to be double the fun and full of surprises.