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Is The Rock really going to run for President?

Siddharth Nair

Dwyane Johnson is last one to sleep and the first one to wake up in Hollywood. He started from the very bottom and has now become the most paid actor in the biggest movie industry in the world. While he electrifies the millions in reel life, the People’s Champion has not forgotten where it all began which is why he dons his alter ego, The Rock from time to time for the WWE Universe. But now it looks like he is aiming at another goal, to become the President of the United States of America. Yes! So is The Rock really going to run for President?

This is what he said when asked about a potential run for the most powerful seat in the world.

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“A year ago it started coming up more and more,” he said. “There was a real sense of earnestness, which made me go home and think, ‘Let me really rethink my answer and make sure I am giving an answer that is truthful and also respectful.’”

“[If I didn’t agree with someone] on something, I wouldn’t shut them out. I would actually include them,” he said. “The first thing we’d do is we’d come and sit down and we’d talk about it. I [would] take responsibility for everyone. Especially when you disagree with me. If there’s a large number of people disagreeing, there might be something I’m not seeing, so let me see it. Let me understand it.”

Dwayne also criticized the travel ban imposed by Trump soon after his election as the President.

“I completely disagree with it,” Johnson said. “I believe in our national security to the core, but I don’t believe in a ‘ban’ that bans immigrants. I believe in inclusion. Our country was built on that, and it continues to be made strong by that. And the decision felt like a snap judgment … Within 24 hours, we saw a ‘tail effect’. It grew to heartache, it grew to a great deal of pain, it grew to a great deal of confusion, and it had a lot of people scrambling.”

While nothing is set in stone, it does look like Dwayne has considered the possibility of running for the big seat. Well if the Donald can win then surely the Rock can right?

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