Sage is one of the best Sentinels in Valorant. This guide will look at some tips and tricks to utilize her kit the best and ensure that your Sage can lock down a site in Valorant.
Sage was one of the first agents in Valorant but has received quite a few nerfs. Her heal previously healed more HP and was much quicker to do so. Now the self-heal can only recover 30 HP which is a huge nerf. However, that does not mean she is not viable in the game compared to other agents.
Sage has lots of other utilities players can use to hold down sites and slow down the enemies until reinforcements arrive. This guide is meant to be a demonstration of how good she can be if one utilizes her well in the game. Let us take a look at it.
- How to Play Sage in Valorant: Abilities and Strategy Breakdown
- Abilities
- Strategies for Attacker Side
- Strategies for Defender Side
- Tips and Tricks
How to Play Sage in Valorant: Abilities and Strategy Breakdown

Sage is one of the most versatile agents to play if one knows how to be unpredictable with her walls. More on that later but Sage can lock down a site pretty effectively by herself. She can be a nuisance to deal with due to all the slow orbs she can put down when enemies enter a site.
Those slow orbs can be painful if combined with other utilities like the Raze Grenade, the Brimstone Ultimate and so much more. However, to understand what to do with her and how to perform well when picking her, we must take a deep dive into understanding her abilities.
(Q): Slow Orb
EQUIP a slowing orb. FIRE to throw a slowing orb forward that detonates upon landing, creating a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it.
(E): Healing Orb
EQUIP a healing orb. FIRE with your crosshairs over a damaged ally to activate a heal-over-time on them. ALT FIRE while Sage is damaged to activate a self heal-over-time.
(C): Barrier Orb
EQUIP a barrier orb. FIRE places a solid wall. ALT FIRE rotates the targeter.
(X): Resurrection
EQUIP a resurrection ability. FIRE with your crosshairs placed over a dead ally to begin resurrecting them. After a brief channel, the ally will be brought back to life with full health.
(The Agent’s Abilities are as per the Developer Riot Games and have been unedited)
Strategies for Attacker Side
Your sole objective is to ensure that no one is flanking your team and provide heals for your team when they need it. Although, prioritize your duelists because they are going to be the ones entering the sites first. Trade your teammates and save your wall for post-plant.
Use your walls to either get set up on an off-angle or block off a particular point of the site. Use your slow orbs during retakes to slow down the enemy’s progress. Sage is used best used when you do not die first and wait for your team to enter the site.
As attackers, once Sage can get on-site, she can do a lot to delay and ensure that the enemy does not defuse the bomb and the round is yours.
Strategies for Defender Side
Sage is the most effective on the defender site. You can do a lot of things with her. Do not play on just a single site. Change up your sites and positions around the map so the enemies don’t know where to expect you. To gain an added advantage, learn a couple of aggressive walls you can use to set up off angles for yourself that net you early kills.
However, if you do not want to use those Barrier Obs early. You can save them for retakes. Wall up in front or wherever the enemies are to stop them from shooting at you while you are defusing the bomb. Use the Slow Orbs to delay enemy site hits until your teammates get there. These slow orbs are the key to maintaining control of a site.
Tips and Tricks
Here are a few tips and tricks you can use for the agent if you want to do well with her on both sides.
- Do not self-heal unless absolutely necessary. When your health is lesser than the damage of a bullet, you are better off healing the teammate since they can bait you and get a kill no matter what the situation.
- Learn different and aggressive Sage walls to get set up on multiple angles on both the attack and defense sides. The YouTuber Grim is probably the best creator to know if you want to learn the best walls in the game.
- Do not be afraid of using your revive when you are down a man or several. If there is a chance of you winning a round, then it is worth going for the Resurrection as long as you are covering the angles where enemies might peek from.
- Always play with your teammates. Do not go at this alone because you are the sentinel of the team. If the enemies get you first and your utility goes unused it might mean round lost. That is why, play with your teammates.
Those are all the tips you need to know about Sage in the game. For more Valorant content, click here.