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Steam Player Count : Steam registers 23 million concurrent users on Christmas day 2020

Gautham Balaji

There is a new Steam Game Festival on the horizon and there are a few interesting things to note!

Steam registers 23 million concurrent users on Christmas day 2020. Steam is one of the most popular platforms for gamers, and over 20 million people logged in on Christmas day. Here are all the details, and games which make Steam so popular. 

The Covid-19 induced pandemic has brought the world to a stand still. However, the gaming community is growing rapidly, and 2020 has been a blessing in disguise for the gaming ecosystem. The numbers also reflect this positively, and Steam’s popularity is firmly on the rise.

In the last 5 years, Steam has been touching the 15 million concurrent users mark on Christmas day. This year, the number surged up to 20 million, no doubt due to the fact that gamers are under lockdown and are full-fire on gaming platforms and consoles.

According to Daniel Ahmad, a senior analyst at Niko Partners, Steam has had a bountiful Christmas. With its winter sale still going strong, it is no surprise that gamers are flocking to steam to enjoy their holidays.

Some of the most popular titles in Steam currently are, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, PUBG, Dota 2, Cyberpunk 2077 & GTA V. This pandemic and the lockdown it has imposed has directly resulted in a massive spike in revenue for Gaming & Esports sectors.

There has been a few other games like Among Us, Fall Guys etc. which have kept gamers engaged and busy during these unprecedented times.

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