Felix “xQc” Lengyel is a prominent live streamer on Twitch and Kick live streaming platforms who started his career as a professional Overwatch player. His spectacular gaming skills, exciting reactions, and on-stream commentary helped him become who he is at present. Today, Felix has almost 12 million followers on Twitch as well as a 100 million dollar contract with Kick, where he has more than 577k followers.
xQc recently celebrated his birthday, where he spent some quality dinner time with his family. But it was not without any incident, as Felix was dragged out in front of his family while they were having some fun at the Montreal casino. Eventually, Felix learned he was singled out because the security wanted to question him about a Radio Canada article that had shown his online gambling streams in a bad light.
However, xQc’s issues were not over yet. In fact, Felix was streaming on November 13, 2023, when he revealed that someone had sent a police team to one of his old addresses in the hope of swatting him. The streaming sensation spoke in a serious tone and explained how it was the stupidest behavior to send police to an address where he does not live, and added that it could endanger a bunch of other people.
According to xQc, this was the second year in a row that someone tried to swat him. He also proceeded to warn the swatter and asked him to stop doing such activities. The streamer explained how the authorities do not take these issues lightly, and clearly mentioned this could get himself and other innocent people in trouble. Felix wanted the swatters to understand how the real world works and openly discussed how a person or even a pet can get injured in the process.
Netizens protest against swatting after xQc gets swatted
The recent swatting wave affected not just live-streamers, but also YouTubers and other personalities. Just a few days back, popular streamers like Fousey, Adin David Ross, Nico “Sneako”, Harrison “HSTikkyTokky” Sullivan, and more were swatted out by a stranger.
The online community has now made up its mind to strongly protest against the crime. Netizens shared their thoughts about how this crime could prove to be very dangerous and on some occasions fatal in nature. Some people also explained how a live streamer’s work and daily life get messed up because of swatting. According to them, content creators have recently lost peace in their lives, all thanks to swatters.

However, the community was confused as to why the authorities weren’t taking strict action against this crime. People asked on the internet why the calls were not traced, and the swatters weren’t arrested and put in jail.