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Valkyrae breaks down during the OTK Valorant Tournament for losing her dog

Ripan Majumdar

Valkyrae cries after losing Mika

Rachell “Valkyrae” Hofstetter is known for her cheery and energetic personality. However, fans felt something amiss in her latest livestream, as she didn’t perform well in the OTK Valorant Tournament. She also ended up breaking down into tears on the livestream for losing her pet dog.

The YouTube streaming star participated in the OTK Valorant Tournament, where she teamed up with fellow streamers Esfand, Shxtou, Joshseki, and Phin. Yet, unlike most of Valkyrae’s Valorant streams, she was not at her best.

Aside from not playing well, the 31-year-old seemed sad and worried throughout the stream. Eventually, after two hours into the stream, Valkyrae finally revealed that her pet dog, Mika, had disappeared.

“I’ve been having a really hard morning. So, I think that’s like I feel bad cuz I feel like I’m weighing my teammates down. And, we’re still looking for him. I was like doing a really good job like hiding it cuz like I was hoping we’d find him soon. But he’s is just gone right now.”

Valkyrae then shared that she had informed all dog shelters across Los Angeles about Mika. However, she was unable to find him and speculated that someone might have picked him up. The YouTube Queen also wondered if her dog had run into an accident.

Did Valkyrae find Mika?

Everyone on the stream was worried about Valkyrae’s pet dog. But nearly after three hours, the 31-year-old could relax a little because she was finally reunited with her beloved Mika.

None of Valkyrae’s worst nightmares about her pet dog came true. However, her speculation about someone picking him up was correct. She revealed that she had found her white Shiba Inu with a stranger around three miles away.

“A lady was walking him three miles away, and Emily and Blau found her walking him with a leash and they followed her and took him back.”

Meanwhile, Rae’s teammates were wondering if the lady found Mika or stole him. The streaming star didn’t know what happened. But upon instigating by her friends, she joked about stealing the lady who “stole” Mika and was walking her with a leash for revenge.

The entirety of the livestream was not how Valkyrae hoped it to be, as it was full of sadness and worry. But at least it concluded on a happy note with Mika roaming around the YouTube Gaming star’s room for the rest of the stream.

About the author

Ripan Majumdar

Ripan Majumdar


Ripan Majumdar is a Gaming and Esports Journalist working a Content Writer at The SportsRush. He has been playing video games since age 8, and he has been following esports and streamers for the past 7 years. He has been using this knowledge to create intriguing articles for over 3 years and has written over 2000 articles. Aside from gaming, he has written articles about Formula 1, soccer, and tennis.

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