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Sus meaning in Among Us as well as other terms.

Arnab Mukherjee

Sus meaning in Among Us

Get the Sus meaning in Among Us as well as the meaning of all other words in common use in the game so you can be a master at communication.

Talking among Crewmates in chat is without any doubt one of the most vital aspects of Among Us. You need to be able to describe what you want to say in a simple and effective way so that everyone can understand. You also need to have a strong hold on the Game’s vocab so that you can state more info in fewer words.

So, here is a guide to all the major terms that players of Among Us generally use.

Sus meaning in Among Us.

First and foremost, let’s begin with the most used word in the game. The word “sus” simply means “suspicious”. Players generally use it as a verb along with the preposition “of”. So, you will frequently hear lines such as “I’m sus of X or Y”. What this means is, the speaker doubts that X or Y may be an Imposter.

Apart from this, players often use the word as a noun. In such cases, you’ll come across the term “throw sus”, for eg., “A is throwing sus on B”. This means A is suspicious of B and is trying to blame him.

Sus is also used with adjectives or adverbs sometimes such as “high sus”, “heavy sus” or “really sus”. These also mean the same thing.

aw shit, here we go again from r/dankmemes

Meaning of other terms.

Now that we are done with the elephant in the room, let’s move on to other words.

First of all, we have “AFK”. This is a common term that has been in use from well before Among Us got viral. So, you may know it already. It means “Away From Keyboard” and is used to signal that a player is not actively playing the game at the moment. For eg., if while playing Among Us, you have to pause and go to the bathroom, you can come back and just say that you were AFK. This way, players will know why your colour wasn’t moving and won’t be sus of you.

Second, and this is pretty simple to figure, is “vent”. It refers to the act of venting in the game.

Third, “comms”. This means communications, which is the name for both a room in the game maps as well as a common task you have to do.

Fourth, “sabotage”. This simply refers to the act of damaging a system to cause trouble for you crewmates. You can know more about this by visiting our expert guide to sabotage here.

Lastly, “electrical”, “reactor”, “admin”, “seismic”, “wires” etc, are also, like “comms” names of different rooms or tasks. So, when you hear these, don’t sweat it, your fellow player is simply naming a place on the ship.

There you go! Now you know all there is to figure out about the Among Us vocab. So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and smooth talk your way to Among Us glory!

Also Read: Best Among Us Wallpapers: Where to the find them?

About the author

Arnab Mukherjee

Arnab Mukherjee


An English Literature as well as Esports enthusiast, Arnab is quite the dichotomy. He fell in love with both of his passions as a kid while playing FIFA 13 on his PC. The iconic commentary of Martin Tyler and Alan Smith instilled in him a life-long love for the language and for video games. Arnab has never looked back ever since. When not engaged in his primary passions, you can find him salivating over food or snapping frames from daily life.

Read more from Arnab Mukherjee

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