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Jannik Sinner Differs From Rafael Nadal to Explain Reason Behind Giving Up Soccer for Tennis

Rishika Singh

Jannik Sinner Differs From Rafael Nadal to Explain Reason Behind Giving Up Soccer for Tennis

Jannik Sinner’s rise to tennis stardom is no accident, given that he comes from a multi-sporting background in Italy. Before fully committing to tennis, Sinner was deeply involved in soccer and skiing, two sports that shaped his athletic abilities from a young age. But one has always wondered why would Sinner choose tennis in a country where it is not the No.1 sport.

Growing up in the rugged terrain of northern Italy, skiing was a natural part of life, and Sinner even won championships in his region. Soccer, on the other hand, was a sport that connected him to his friends, but his ultimate decision to choose tennis came from a desire to make a difference by himself rather than rely on others in a particular game.

In a video posted on Instagram as part of a promotional campaign for one of his sponsors, Sinner explained the reason behind his switch from soccer to tennis.

He said, “I love being in the company of my friends and being in a group, but you know, I wanted to make a difference by myself sometimes. And in soccer, it’s very difficult.”

This individualism, coupled with his desire to take full control of his performance, steered him toward tennis, setting him apart from his friends.

Sinner’s love for soccer though, never disappeared. As a child, he attended a local school where he balanced his love for soccer and tennis. His early experiences on the soccer field sharpened his agility and footwork, which have been essential in his success on the tennis court.

Interestingly, tennis legend Rafael Nadal also faced a similar dilemma growing up. Nadal, an exceptional soccer player in his youth, had to make a tough choice between soccer and tennis.

However, unlike Sinner, Nadal’s decision was influenced by his uncle Toni firstly, who saw his immense potential in tennis. While both players faced crossroads in their sporting careers, their reasons for choosing tennis were driven by different motivations. In his autobiography The Open, Nadal revealed why he went ahead with tennis.

“… As my mother reminded me, there was the matter of my school studies to attend to. Something had to give. I didn’t want it to be football. The very idea broke my heart. But in the end there wasn’t much choice.” 

In the end, these decisions proved crucial for both athletes, allowing them to carve out their unique paths in tennis history. Sinner’s multi-sport background and Nadal’s guided choice show that sometimes, making the right decision early on can set the foundation for greatness.

Post Edited By:Dhruv Rupani

About the author

Rishika Singh

Rishika Singh


Meet Rishika, the Tennis Writer at The SportsRush who spins words as deftly as Federer spins his backhand. Her tennis obsession began at 12, inspired by her dad’s adoration for Roger Federer (the only correct choice, obviously). An athlete herself, Rishika covers sports in an entertaining yet insightful manner, aiming to draw more fans into the game. When not watching or writing about tennis, Rishika loves baking and cooking, dreaming of one day launching her own food truck. Imagine each bite as delightful as a match point. Rishika’s unique blend of sports passion and culinary dreams makes her a standout voice in sports journalism. She serves up stories with humour and wit, ensuring her readers enjoy every moment of the game.

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