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Mardy Fish’s Colleague Promotes Their Annual 15K Tournament After Karue Sell Accuses Tennis Bosses of Ignoring Lower-Ranked Players

Rishika Singh

Karue Sell

Karue Sell recently came to prominence after highlighting the financial struggles many players outside the top ranks face. The Brazilian tennis player based in the U.S. broke into the ATP Top 300 for the first time in men’s singles.

However, his celebration was bittersweet. Despite reaching this milestone, Sell pointed out that many players at his level earn so little that they’d make more working at fast-food chains.

While Sell himself is fortunate due to his online work, he expressed concern for his fellow players. He noted that the level of tennis has drastically improved, extending all the way to the top 400.

He stated that tennis has grown beyond just the conventional focus on the top 100 players.

Randy Walker, a key figure in the tennis world and organizer of the Vero Futures tournament, reacted to Sell’s remarks.

Walker believes that his $15K tournament will provide a much-needed platform to the under-recognized players.

Walker and the Vero Futures tournament: A platform for rising talent

Walker, who is closely associated with former tennis star Mardy Fish, has been instrumental in bringing tournaments like Vero Futures to life.

Serving almost as Fish’s right-hand man, Walker’s tournament has carved out a reputation as a vital event for rising stars on the tennis circuit.

Vero Futures, part of the ITF World Tennis Tour, provides a crucial platform for players to earn ranking points and gain exposure. This year, the tournament drew impressive crowds and talent.

In addition to Fish’s involvement, the event relies on local sponsors and a dedicated fanbase, all of whom are keen to support the next generation of talents.

By highlighting the struggles of players like Sell, events like Vero Futures emphasize the need for greater financial support in the lower tiers of professional tennis.

About the author

Rishika Singh

Rishika Singh


Meet Rishika, the Tennis Writer at The SportsRush who spins words as deftly as Federer spins his backhand. Her tennis obsession began at 12, inspired by her dad’s adoration for Roger Federer (the only correct choice, obviously). An athlete herself, Rishika covers sports in an entertaining yet insightful manner, aiming to draw more fans into the game. When not watching or writing about tennis, Rishika loves baking and cooking, dreaming of one day launching her own food truck. Imagine each bite as delightful as a match point. Rishika’s unique blend of sports passion and culinary dreams makes her a standout voice in sports journalism. She serves up stories with humour and wit, ensuring her readers enjoy every moment of the game.

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