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Twitch braces for a fight against Kick with a sudden change to their Terms of Service, fans wonder if this will bring the platforms closer than ever

Nilotpal Chakraborty

Twitch makes massive and controversial changes to their terms of service

Twitch streamers are bound by strict Terms of Service from the very beginning forbidding them from several actions on stream. However, several streamers cleverly found creative ways to showcase nakedness on live streams. This ultimately forced the streaming platform to take strong actions against them including temporary bans and in some extreme cases made those permanent.

But since Kick  has emerged as a robust rival platform, Twitch has been facing a real threat of losing Twitch users to the rival platform primarily because the Kick live streaming platform has lenient Terms of Service. Hence, Twitch had to finally give in thereby making huge changes to its TOS in an effort to make it a much compatible competitor.

There were five massive changes made to Twtch’s TOS that gave live streamers the opportunity to be more open about their activities but only if appropriately labeled. They included:

  • Content that deliberately highlighted br**sts, bu**ocks, or pelvic regions even when fully clothed.
  • Fictionalized (drawn, animated, or sculpted) fully exposed female, presenting br**sts and/or ge**tals or bu**ocks regardless of gender.
  • Body writing on females presenting br**sts and/or bu**ocks regardless of gender.
  • Er*tic dances that involve disrobing or disrobing gestures such as str*p tease.
  • Popular dances such as tw*rking, gr*nding, and pole dancing are now allowed without a label.

Twitch explained that the above-mentioned changes had to be made since streamers found it difficult to determine what was prohibited and what was allowed. Similarly, they also included that there were thriving artists and dancers in the community who required a degree of allowance.

However, the online community did not support the TOS changes made, and they chose to revolt against the streaming platform. They claimed that Twitch was nothing different than p*rn sites, and there was no way being artistic meant allowing p*rn. People also mentioned that kids from the age of 13 were allowed to be Twitch users and how negatively the TOS changes would have an impact on them.

Fans fear there won’t be a distinction between Kick and Twitch with the new TOS

Twitch was considered the best and safest streaming platform by people worldwide with YouTube just trying to make an entry. All popular live streamers were drawn to the streaming platform regardless of the hard stance Twitch took to prohibit offensive, disturbing, and mature content. But the sudden arrival of the Kick live streaming platform changed the world of live streaming with fairly lenient TOS. Thereby allowing streamers of quite a few things including artistic n*dity and gambling.

Although Twitch did not budge under any circumstances until today temporarily and permanently banning streamers when necessary, now that they are facing a real threat of losing Twitch users, and in bulk quantities, they were forced to make changes to their strict TOS thereby allowing “artistic nu*ity” just to stay relevant to the field. Hence, with such a massive change, fans wonder if Twitch would become as lenient as Kick in the long run.

About the author

Nilotpal Chakraborty

Nilotpal Chakraborty


Nilotpal Chakraborty is a E-Sports and Media Journalist currently working as a streaming content writer under the Gaming and E-Sports department of The SportsRush. He has been a vivid viewer of live streams, YouTube content, TV shows, and movies for more than 5 years. Using such knowledge he has written more than 500 articles having been in the field for around 3 years. Apart from online content, he loves traveling, and snapping pictures and definitely craves Indian and international delicacies. You may also find him making the delicacies at home.

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