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Recalling when former WWE Diva Sable filed a $110 million lawsuit against the comapany for sexual harrasment

Rishabh Singh

WWE diva Sable filed a legal case against WWE for sexual harassment

Former WWE diva Sable once filed a legal case against the company for sexual harassment and unsafe work conditions. 

While there are wrestlers who have stayed loyal to the WWE, and whose love for the company is immeasurable, there are others who left the company with a sour taste in their mouths. Wrestlers who choose to burn the bridge never look back, except Bret Hart who called the truce with the company after a decade.

The superstars who turned bitter always have abrasive things to say about the company. It goes both ways, WWE’s way to deal with such superstars is to extinguish their existence from the records. Former WWE diva, Sable is to never be referenced on WWE TV ever.

Sable made her debut in the company in 1996. She quickly gained popularity for her appearances in torrid storylines. The sultry angles she played got her more TV time. Her relationship with the company deteriorated just as quickly as she climbed to the height of her career.

In 1999, Sable filed a $110 million lawsuit against WWE for sexual harassment and unsafe work conditions. Both Sable and the WWE settled outside the court. Sable walked out on the company only to return in 2003. Once again, Sable was successful during her second run with the company as she modeled for Playboy along with Torrie Wilson. She left the company for good in 2004 as she wanted to prioritize her personal life. 

According to Jim Ross, Sable listened to a lot of wrong people on her way out of the company. Speaking on Grilling JR, Jim explained that the reason Sable wanted out was to try her hand in Hollywood. 

“Well, I didn’t see the lawsuit coming. I thought it was a nuisance lawsuit. I thought it was put in place so she 

could get her release. It was the negotiating chip she needed to walk [away from the company].”

But why did WWE put a censor on Sable after she returned and left again? 

Although it seemed as if the water was under the bridge after she was re-signed, the truth was the opposite.  When Sable left again, former WWE diva Torrie Wilson revealed on The Asylum Wrestling Store that WWE has added her name to the list of words that are banned from being used on WWE TV.

Wilson stated, “I mentioned her name in my Hall of Fame speech and right before, they told me, ‘Oh, by the way, you’re not allowed to mention her name.”

The reason for the ban on her name is possibly related to the lawsuit that she filed or because of WWE turning PG as the roles she played were not age-appropriate for the younger audience.

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Rishabh Singh

Rishabh Singh


Rishabh has been a pro wrestling aficionado for two decades. As a gullible seven-year-old kid he believed that his dad could only be defeated by The Undertaker. His love for pro wrestling is visible in his writing. Over the years, he took inspiration from his favorite wrestling icons and adopted fitness lifestyle. He is a big proponent of exercise. Besides that, he is a movement coach, a Steelmaceflow artist, and a Krav Maga instructor.

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