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Changes You Should Keep in Mind for the Next Minecraft 1.20 Update!

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

Changes You Should Keep in Mind for the Next Update!

The next major Minecraft update is going to be the 1.20 one. However, the recent snapshot involves lots of important mechanical and cosmetic changes to some aspects of the game. Mojang has been really prompt with these updates and they have been continuously changing around mechanics and fixing bugs before the major update. Today we will take a look at the major changes in the 1.20 snapshot. The snapshot is available for the Java Edition.

Minecraft Changes that Will Rock Update 1.20!

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 #3 – Sniffers would be Lured by Torchflower Seeds

Sniffers are the newest mob that will be introduced in the game. It was the highest-voted mob in 2022 and will come out along with the update. There will be a new gameplay mechanic for the mob. The Sniffer mob will help the players find the archeological-related items and pottery sherds (yes, sherds). However, the Sniffer Mobs eat Torchflower seeds. This was not the thing previously.

Now all you need to do is carry Torchflower seeds and the Sniffers will come to you. This is a really good idea for getting Sniffers to you to farm eggs for that mob.

#2 – Pottery Sherds? Really?

As you can tell by the title of this section, the Pottery Shards that people will get from Archeology have received changes. We do not know why they renamed it this way and people have made a lot of fuss online about it. There are plenty of memes you can find online for this thing if you search for it. Regardless of the change, a lot of people are not aware of this change but it is funny in spite of all that.

#1 –  Sculk Shrieker/Sensor Changes

The Minecraft 1.19 update was the one that introduced the players to this block. These block senses vibrations in the ground and shriek in a way.  The blocks have had a lot of issues in the game and have had bugs where they could receive the vibrations properly if there were multiple blocks within a small distance. However, this got patched in the most recent update so players would not have to worry about it now.

What do you like most about this update? Are you excited about the recent update? Let us know in the comments! Click here for more Minecraft-related news!

About the author

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

Adnan Juzar Kachwala


Adnan Kachwala is a Gaming Journalist working as a Content Writer at The SportsRush. Adnan started covering Valorant when he watched Shroud dominate public matches with his aim. He wanted to write about Call of Duty ever since his first Nuclear in Black Ops II. He has an expertise in FPS games like Call of Duty and Valorant and has been covering them along with other games for more than two years. He has written more than 600 articles on both of those games along with other popular AAA titles. He has a Mass Media Degree with a Specialization in Journalism. Adnan has an expertise writing listicles related to Gaming and reviewing newer releases. When he is not making content, you can find him reading books, creating videos and watching Valorant Esports on Twitch.

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