Dota 2 new hero Marci, the benevolent and powerful Lunar guardian of the Princess of the moon, Mirana, from the Netflix anime, is to become the 122nd hero in the character pool.
It is safe to assume that the Netflix anime was a disaster from Valve’s perspective. Gaben and Netflix wanted to continue the work of SirActionSlacks in teaching Dota 2 Lore. But, alas.
Dota 2 new hero Marci is one of the few characters who are memorable from the 8 Episode series Dota 2:Dragon’s Blood. Others being, Davion, the Dragon Knight and Mirana. Sadly, No one calls the Dragon Knight(pun intended).
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Dota 2 new hero Marci may be arriving as post TI update.
For instance, Selemene, the Lunar Goddess, and Karl, the Invoker are side Protagonists. Though, it always felt as if they controlled the storyline from the very beginning. The portrayal of Demon Lord, TerrorBlade, was a sus too.

Valve and Netflix are trying to break the Fourth wall just like Marvel and forgot to give characters a proper sketch. It is sadly not an Anime.
Even Luna, whom we all considered one of the most colourful Characters according to lore, was given utter injustice on screen. Marci’s powers were unknown at the time of streaming too.
What we do know about Marci, is that she has inhuman strength. She bears a close resemblance in abilities to Marvel’s Luke Cage in Dota 2 universe, or at least that’s what the developers are trying to push.
Also, Marci has immense agility and jump range as innate talents. From what we have observed up until now, Marci is going to be a melee hero.
She will be having 3 active Abilities and 1 passive talent like Dawnbreaker. What SS(SuperSkill/Ultimate) IceFrog gives Mirana’s loyal follower, Marci, is yet to be seen.
Marci is supposed to be Brawler and Melee Nuker with a huge burst potential.
The skills will be as follows: •Area of effect stun •Movement speed buff/Dash skill •Passive ability with Proc/Toggle with buffs •Agility and strength buff skill. This particular skill will have the highest cooldown.
In other words, this is all speculation right now. Also, there is no confirmation of hero abilities and talents. The hero will be a brawler/melee type with huge burst potential.
Will Dota 2 new hero Marci have synergy with Mirana and Davion?
The female AntiMage Arcana may be the character that Marci is modelled after. We all know how Valve likes to reuse everything since the Diablo days.
Summing up, a melee nuker is missing in the Dota 2 hero pool since the dawn of time. The addition of Marci, the Lunar Guardian, to the Captain’s Mode is something to look out for in the upcoming Majors.