All it takes for Lewis Hamilton to break the internet is a simple Instagram post. It’s no surprise that the star leads the grid when it comes to his social media game. Fans love the international personality, especially when he has his star child accompanying him.
Hamilton’s French bulldog, Roscoe, is a celebrity on his own. Boasting almost 750,000 followers, including stars like Gigi Hadid, and most drivers on the grid, Hamilton has revealed the pup makes his own income.
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So, it wasn’t a big surprise that fans were left saying “aww” when Hamilton shared a series of pictures with his fur baby. What the F1 champ captioned a “father-son” moment, had the fans bringing in their own four-legged-babies to share with the Mercedes man.
His Instagram flooded with hearts and his Twitter filled with dog pictures, it’s safe to say that Hamilton has gone viral once again, just days after his Coachella dump took over the internet.
Lewis Hamilton and Roscoe go viral
On Twitter, Hamilton dropped in to say “hi” with Roscoe, a move that garnered a lot of other pet babies saying hi back. As Hamilton’s fans shared pictures of their children as a response, Twitter was soon filled with little puppies.
Hi Lewis & Roscoe 🥹👋🏼💜💜
My fur baby Kimber also says hi 👋🏼
— 🦋 Amber (@_xa44) April 20, 2023
Muffin says hi back 🥰
— Marina (@xxoMarina) April 20, 2023
Arthur e Valentina say hi 🤍🇧🇷
— Ella (@ellacstrange) April 20, 2023
Kyrie says hi 🐾
— kat (@katriz__) April 20, 2023
Puppies took over F1 Twitter as fans flaunted their babies in their model-like beauty.
Boscoe says Oya
— Juliu§eizeLikeMe (@_juk_a) April 20, 2023
Dougie says hi back.
— robert boyle (@frankieboyledad) April 20, 2023
Lewis Hamilton and Roscoe’s unintentional puppy-mania lit up the social media platform, and the world was better for it.
Hamilton reveals Roscoe’s income
Roscoe, with his stunning looks and personality, has taken the dog modeling industry by storm. Hamilton had once explained, “Roscoe is now part of a modeling agency and he has auditions, he will go up against ten or 15 different bulldogs, they will need a bulldog for a product.”
This allows the little dog to earn his own money. “He gets paid $700 dollars a day, it’s ridiculous, and he gets his treat, he loves it.”
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The began pup also enjoys a special diet because of his vegan father. In fact, Hamilton credits this diet to reversing his dog’s age. “[In 2020] I decided to transition him to a vegan diet. It has changed his life…He’s like a puppy again! It’s been amazing to see these changes in Roscoe and I’m so grateful to be able to share this.”
As Roscoe and his human continue to fashionably strut across the F1 paddock and into everyone’s hearts, the duo will forever remain iconic in the F1 community.