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Fedmyster, Pokimane and OfflineTV: A quick recap on the incident that shook the Twitch world

The SportsRush Desk

Fedmyster, Pokimane and OfflineTV: A quick recap on the incident that shook the Twitch world

Fedmyster, Pokimane and OfflineTV: In what was termed as one of the gaming industry’s biggest #MeToo moments, back in June 2020 Fedmyster was removed from OfflineTV.

He faced allegations of sexual misconduct by his colleagues. In light of the recent leaks lets do a recap and see how events had unfolded back then.

What is Offline TV?

OfflineTV is a group of streamers and content creators. Currently the group includes – Pokimane, Yvonnie, Disguised Toast, LilyPichu, Michael Reeves and Scarra. Till June 2020 Fedmyster was a member too and often collaborated with other members while streaming.

Fed’s content mainly included making IRL streams. He was a well known personality in the streaming world and had tons of followers. The shocking allegations sent ripples through the community. Lets take a look at where it went all wrong for Fed.

What did Fedmyster do? –

Yvonne shared her experience in a tweet titled – “My truth”. It was a very detailed account that explained Fed’s inappropriate behavior. She revealed that Fedmyster had been coming into her room and touching her in inappropriate ways. After confronting him several times, he would claim that he did not remember what had happened the night before.

After discussing it with other female members of OfflineTV she realized that she was not the only one. All of them had their own accounts of being subjected to misconduct. According to Yvonne, Pokimane also suffered a lot because of this and later went on to release a video showing her side of the story.

The aftermath of the incident and reactions –

OfflineTV took a stand with regards to the incident and very soon Fed was removed from his position. Fed went on to accept the allegations. In a series of Tweets he apologized and said that, “I want to make it clear that my intentions were never to act maliciously or predatorily.

I am flawed, I have issues that impede my friendships, issues with myself, but I am not a predator and I never wanted this to happen.” He further added that he would take a step back from the public eye and focus on himself.

Fedmyster and the leaked word document –

Earlier today a word document was doing the rounds of social media. It is allegedly from Fed and includes strong accusations of Pokimane being a manipulator. It also includes many screenshots of private text messages between Fed and Poki. The controversy deepens here as the allegations raised by Fed are numerous.

Although fans should remember that so far Fed has not said anything officially since June. Before the leaks no one had heard from him since months and he mentions that he was undergoing therapy. Pokimane announced in a now deleted tweet that she will be doing a stream soon and we will get to hear her response to the allegations.

Related: To know more about the Fedmyster Leaks click here.

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The SportsRush Desk

The SportsRush Desk

The SportsRush Desk

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