Valorant relies heavily on team coordination and communication. This piece will go through 25 of the best tips and tricks in Valorant you can use to get out of lower ranks.
Valorant is filled with instalockers, bottom fraggers who point out mistakes, team-flashing Duelists, and more. You are stuck with these players unless you get out of that rank and into a higher one where there is more discipline and team coordination.
Your individual skill is as important to winning as the team play. That is why, we will take a look at some of the best tips you can use to advance in the game and make yourself a useful teammate. Without further ado, let us look at the best tips and tricks you can use to advance to higher ranks in Valorant.
- 25 of the Best Tips and Tricks You Can Use to Advance in Rank
- 25. Track Your Stats
- 24. Record and Analyze Your Gameplay
- 23. Play Around Your Team’s Agent Comp
- 22. Learn the Fundamentals
- 21. Diversify your Agent Pool
- 20. Avoid Peeking without a Flash
- 19. Don’t Rush Out When You Have an Ultimate
- 18. Get Good Equipment
- 17. Optimize Your Graphical Settings to Boost FPS
- 16. Don’t Fall Into Bad Habits
- 15. Stop and Shoot
- 14. Avoid Crouch Spraying (Most of the Time)
- 13. Copy Professionals
- 12. Avoid Changing Crosshairs
- 11. Utilize the Range
- 10. Have Set Strats
- 9. Don’t Shift Walk When Peeking
- 8. Find a Go-to Agent and Perfect Them
- 7. Phantom for Closer Ranges, Vandal for Longer Ranges
- 6. Invest in a Marshall
- 5. Communicate with the Team
- 4. Don’t Underestimate a Save Round
- 3. Grab Orbs
- 2. Trade Kills
- 1. Take a Break
25 of the Best Tips and Tricks You Can Use to Advance in Rank
These tips will help out everyone ranging from an Iron 3 Hardstuck player to an upcoming Ascendant grinder. These are practical tips that are easy to follow and will really help you improve your gameplay. The tips follow training fundamentally, improving your graphical settings, setting a practice routine, and so on.
You will easily be able to incorporate them into your daily play routine. That being said, let us take a look at what the tips are.
25. Track Your Stats
The first step to improving is to ensure that you are aware of your past performances. Remember, tracking is not all about counting the number of kills you have, it is improving the ACS, the number of assists, and wins.
Tracking your stats is essential to seeing how much you have improved throughout your journey. Valorant Stat Tracker is the leading website you can use to track your match stats.
24. Record and Analyze Your Gameplay
The second thing you need to do is to record your own gameplay and analyze the moves you make. A lot of players fail to learn from their mistakes in-game and the best way to do that is to record your games and analyze the plays you make afterwards.
You have to be conscious of every angle you peek in the game so that you can counter the enemy and catch them off-guard. Recording your gameplay can help you improve a lot.
23. Play Around Your Team’s Agent Comp
What we mean by that is to wait for your team to pick their Agents and then pick a character according to what they have picked. This requires you to have a multiple Agent pool which we will discuss later.
However, the point we are trying to make is that it is important to wait before your team picks so that you can always adjust your composition. There are many stubborn players who will not adjust according to their team’s requirements. It is better that you be the one who plays the flex rather than someone else.
22. Learn the Fundamentals
Fundamentals include strafing, counter-strafing, spray transferring, and long-range gunfighting. It is essential to understand these FPS mechanics before you move any further. They are essential in improving your gameplay and elevating you to a higher level of play in Valorant.
In addition to the fundamentals, we recommend learning the abilities of the Agents you play. We will cover that in a separate section later on. In order to excel in the game, you must know the movement and firing error concepts. Integrate them into your crosshair to learn and improve.
21. Diversify your Agent Pool
Instalocking Jett every game sounds good but what if someone else picks it? In fact, what if even Reyna is taken? Tying yourself to a single Agent can be deadly in Valorant. That is why, it is important for you to have a diversified Agent pool consisting of multiple characters.
Now, it is alright if it’s just a Duelist role but ideally, you can learn a Controller and Initiator role as well. Most flex players know how to play two to three Agent classes in the game. That is why, learning three or more Agents can help you overcome the fear of losing out your instalock.
20. Avoid Peeking Without a Flash

Flashes are some of the most important tools you can use to win a gunfight. In lower Elos, a lot of players find it difficult to dodge a flash. That is why, it can result in quick kills. As you go up higher, players can dodge flashes quite easily. Therefore, an unexpected angle or an opportunistic time is required to catch the enemy off-guard.
Peeking without a flash can easily get you killed since the opponent will see it coming. However, you will have to find better ways to flash once you move up the elo.
19. Don’t Rush Out When You Have an Ultimate
Most of the time, when you have an Ultimate like Jett Knives or the Neon Ultimate, it can seem pretty appealing to rush out and get all of the kills. However, those are the moments you need to restrain yourself and play with your team. Sure most of the time it might work on the weak links of the opposite team, but it can lead to a barrage of overextensions that are unnecessary on your team’s part.
That is why, you need to hold onto that Ultimate until the situation arises, especially on defense.
18. Get Good Equipment
Getting good equipment is as important as having a good aim in the game. Even if you have a potato PC, there is a way to optimize the graphics. However, having good accompaniments like headphones, a keyboard, and a mouse is key to playing well.
The equipment is going to better your gameplay, especially good headsets which will let you in on the footsteps and any other move the enemy makes.
17. Optimize Your Graphical Settings to Boost FPS
Take a look at your FPS settings and ensure that you can change them according to how much your system can take. As a rule of thumb, people with good processors play on the 1920×1080 setting. However, if you have a decent processor we recommend going lower.
Prioritize FPS over graphical quality as it will better your gameplay and not slow you down. If you have a higher FPS and your system cannot take it, you will lag a lot and possibly ruin the equipment. Check out this article to see what the best settings for the highest FPS in Valorant can be.
16. Don’t Fall Into Bad Habits
By bad habits we mean, constantly crouch spraying, over-peeking every angle, rotating too quickly or not quickly enough, using your utility too quickly at the start of each round, and venturing out mid. Making these mistakes over and over again can result in developing bad habits that will deteriorate your gameplay.
That is why, you must be self-aware and conscious of these behaviors and change them as soon as you find yourself making them. Replace them with good habits like holding unexpected angles, diligently checking corners, strafing, and more.
15. Stop and Shoot
This is a basic tip but is much more important now than ever. A lot of people have a bad habit of moving while shooting. While doing it with shotguns and pistols might lead you to some results, doing it with ARs is going to be bad and way worse for your gameplay.
Therefore, it is important to stop, lock onto an enemy’s head, shoot, and move again if the bullet misses to repeat the process. Essentially, this can be called strafing. In addition to that, the point of stopping and shooting is to take time to aim at the enemy’s head and ensure that it is a shot on target.
14. Avoid Crouch Spraying (Most of the Time)
Crouch spraying can be pretty useful when you are spamming smoke or through walls. However, in a gunfight with multiple enemies looking at you, it can be a problem. That is why, we recommend only using it when you know you won’t make it out alive or when it is needed.
Crouch spraying in gunfights can not only lock you in place, but if the enemy strafes further to any side, you will miss your bullets and won’t get the kill. Therefore, be very careful before committing to a crouch spray.
13. Copy Professionals

The best way to excel in Valorant is to copy what the players at the highest level are doing. Copy from the professionals who can play their roles properly. As a rule of thumb, copy the role you play to the player who prioritizes it in professional play. For example, Pujan “FiNESSE” Mehta is primarily an Initiator/Sentinel player so if you want to learn either of these roles, watch him.
In the same way, if you want to learn how to enter like a Duelist, watch Matthew “Cryocells” Panganiban or Jacob “Yay” Whiteaker. Experiment with multiple players and see whose playstyle suits you and your role the most.
12. Avoid Changing Crosshairs
Have one single crosshair in your Crosshair Settings, that is a good way to follow this rule. The reason why people do not change their crosshairs a lot is that it takes time to adjust to them. How a crosshair performs in close, medium, and long ranges is different.
That is why, we recommend going steady with one crosshair and experimenting with multiple to see which fits you the best. A good crosshair can give you a lot of comfort when playing the game.
11. Utilize the Range
The Range is a great way to train and develop habits related to gunplay. You can not only learn how to strafe and counter-strafe but you can learn crosshair placement by trying out various angles, learning various abilities, trying to aim for the head, and more.
The Range has a myriad of uses players can use to perfect their gameplay over time and develop routines before starting their sessions. One can always use Aimlabs or other aim trainers but that won’t simulate the feel of Valorant.
10. Have Set Strats
Have specific set plays you can use no matter where you are. Have attack strategies, defense strategies, and more that are going to help you should you not have any other plan against your opponent. It will let you get into your comfort zone and play accordingly.
These set strategies are protocols that let you function independently of the components of the match. If you find yourself slipping and dying a lot, take a round, establish protocol, and then begin again. These strategies will stop you from slipping away into bad habits and keep your team grounded and the score moving.
9. Don’t Shift Walk When Peeking
If you want to peek around a specific corner, do not shift walk because the enemy’s crosshair will be trained near the edge of the corner. Because you want to offset their crosshair placement, it is important to flash first and then take a swing quickly, it will not only let you get a kill but if you are a Duelist, you can always get out.
Shift-walking is only necessary when you are flanking an enemy or want to ensure that the enemies do not know of your presence. Shift walking does not always guarantee you kills.
8. Find a Go-to Agent and Perfect Them
It is important to have an Agent Pool but you should always have a go-to Agent. This Agent will be your go-to for any game. Learn as much as you can about the Agent you choose. From lineups to strategies, from flashes to one-ways, anything you can that will be useful for you and your team should take priority.
Learn from players who play that specific Agent and then innovate/ copy their styles as much as you can. Everyone has their different go-to Agents and not one Agent is bad in the game if utilized well.
7. Phantom for Closer Ranges, Vandal for Longer Ranges

As a rule of thumb, ensure that you use the Phantom for close ranges and Vandal for longer ranges. Here is the reasoning, due to the Phantom’s fire rate, it will be easier for you to keep spraying in close ranges and even land successful shots.
However, in longer ranges, the Vandal is better because it is going to kill enemies precisely in 4 shots to the body. However, the Vandal in closer ranges might not be a good move depending on how you hold an angle. Of course, it is all situational and depends on how good your aim is.
6. Invest in a Marshall
A Marshall is a one-shot headshot and is cheaper than a Judge. Therefore, if you can hit the shot on target. It can be one of the best weapons to use no matter the situation. Not to mention it is a better choice if you are a Duelist since it lets you take more liberties.
A Marshall is also faster than a typical Sniper, allowing you to ADS and reload faster. Its hipfire is also quite accurate if you are standing still. In addition, it lets you strafe pretty fast as well. There is no reason for you to not buy a Marshall if you have a low economy and good aim.
5. Communicate with the Team
Communicating with the team is an essential part of Valorant, it is a team game after all. You should communicate everything with the team ranging from the enemy’s location and their HP to you using an ability to help your team. It will not only build synergy but also help the team get better results overall.
Communicating properly and relaying call-outs is a central aspect of any team’s success and is a major reason why most teams are the way they are.
4. Don’t Underestimate a Save Round
A save round is crucial to getting your economy back in a proper place. If you reinvest in a buy round and lose out, it is better to wait another round and buy abilities rather than force a round. This will build up a bank and ensure that you can hit harder the next round. A lot of professional teams save their weapons if they feel a retake is unachievable.
They come back harder and faster in the next round. However, as one of the previous tips stated, it would be a good idea for you to invest in a Marshall. Solely because it helps in equalizing the pressure and in the hands of a good player it can be lethal.
3. Grab Orbs
Keep the Ultimates flowing in your team by regularly going with your team and collecting orbs. Ultimates can be a game-changer and a momentum shifted in a round, that is why it is important to utilize the orbs scattered around the map. At any given point in time, you can get two different Ultimate orbs to charge up your Ultimates, even three if you are an attacker.
Building up your Ultimate bank is going to be useful. Learn from the professional team Paper Rex who keeps charging their star Duelist, Wang “Jinggg” Jing Jie Phoenix Ultimates whenever they play on Pearl. This allows them easy entry on sites and a tool to retake.
2. Trade Kills
One of the best Valorant Tips and the most important one out there. It will save rounds and help you win games. Trading kills and not letting the enemy get away with their theatrics is the most important part of Valorant. Now, doing that will be quite difficult seeing that the Duelists in this game can be difficult to hunt down easily but it requires lots of team coordination.
Trading kills is not only going to help level the playing field but it will also allow you to exploit the gaps left behind by the enemy overextending or defending a particular part of the map. It is the most essential rule of thumb to learn when trying to play a new FPS game.
1. Take a Break
There is a reason why this tip is at the No.1 Spot. Valorant as a game can be pretty difficult to play. There are several factors outside your control that affect the outcome such as the team’s communication, the kind of teammates you have, toxicity, server lag, the skill of the enemy and so much more. At times like that, it is better to say “GG” and move on rather than dwell on it.
In addition to that, taking regular breaks is the most important part when playing the game. If you feel yourself faltering, step away from your PC, take a walk, and then come back if you want to. It will change your mood and prevent you from getting into a rut after multiple losses.