The Chimera assault rifle was the potential to become an excellent meta weapon in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone Season 5. For seasoned fans, the gun was earlier known as Honey Badger from COD Ghosts.
With the release of Season 5 of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone, many changes were introduced. Chimera and M13B received a notable buff that increased their damage potential. Thus making these ARs new meta weapons to try out in the latest seasonal update.
With the increased damage introduced to Chimera, the weapon is more capable than before with the new season. If you’re looking to build a loadout using this weapon, we created a detailed guide just for you.
The best Chimera Loadout to use in Warzone 2.0 Season 5
For playing who want to use Chimera as their primary weapon their loadout, Season 5 is the right time for this weapon to shine. With a great fire rate and damage over time, the gun has a very low TTK. Thus helping players to hunt down their enemies with ease and swiftness. Now that it is returning to meta with recent buffs with Call of Duty Season 5, a great loadout can make it more effective.
Before getting into which attachments to pick for the assault rifle, beginners might wonder how to acquire the weapon. However, fret not, as we have also mentioned that for you to build this loadout. Players with this weapon can skip the next part and build their loadout using the AR.
How to unlock the Chimera in Warzone 2.0

Unlocking the Chimera in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is very easy. However, for Warzone players, it isn’t straightforward. If you own a copy of COD MW2, all you have to do is to get two kills with ARs in 15 multiplayer matches. They do not have to be back to back, but it is mandatory to do it 15 times.
However, if you don’t own COD MW2 and play Warzone 2.0, then a free option is to dive into DMZ and extract it from Building 21. However, players must use the Building 21 Access Card to access the AI enemy-filled structure. You’ll get an exclusive Silver Tox Chimera Blueprint if you complete it. After acquiring it, go to the extraction zone and add the weapon to your inventory for Warzone.
The last option for players is to get the weapon from the store by spending COD Points. These options are available to the players who want to unlock the AR in the game. Grind with the firearm in matches to unlock every attachment for the weapon and use them to create a custom loadout.
Weapon Attachments to pick for the weapon
After acquiring all the necessary attachments for the weapons, it is time to use the best ones to create the primary loadout. Here are the best extensions to pick for the Chimera to dominate on Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 Season 5:
- Optic: Cronen Mini Pro
- Underbarrel: FTAC Ripper 56
- Barrel: 6.5″ EXF OP-40
- Magazine: 60-Round Clip
- Muzzle: Polarfire-S
For drastically reducing the weapon’s vertical recoil, the Polarfire-S is an excellent muzzle that reduces the horizontal recoil slightly. This would make the weapon more stable and easy to use on the battlefield.
With the addition of a 6.5″ EXF OP-40 barrel, the weapon can observe an overall decrease in weapon kick to stabilize the weapon further. Also, combined with the FTAC Ripper 56 under-barrel, the weapon can increase hip-fire accuracy and improve its stability. Thus, making this weapon an excellent choice in close-range combat as well.
We suggest you use the Cronen Mini Pro for ease of visibility, but you can switch to other sights for your comfort. The Chimera has a bad iron sight, so a good optic is necessary for the weapon.
We suggest you use the 60 Round Clip for long gun fights to increase its endurance. However, you can also switch to 45 Round Clip if you wish for a faster reload with average ammo storage.
Secondary Weapons, Perks, and Equipment to choose
Once you’ve created your custom loadout for Chimera in Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare 2, it is time for you to choose the right secondary weapons, perks, and other things. We have chosen Overkill focused perks and equipment for this load for your ease.
Here are all the suggested perks and pieces of equipment you should pick with the custom Chimera setup:
- Base Perk 1: Overkill
- Base Perk 2: Scavenger
- Bonus Perk: Fast Hands
- Ultimate Perk: Quick Fix
- Lethal: Semtex
- Tactical Equipment: Heartbeat Sensor or Flash Grenade
The Chimera supports medium to close-range gunfights, thus leaving you to deal with long-range fights. For that, we have chosen the Overkill perk so that you can pick a Sniper or DMR for taking long-range gunfights.
Moreover, we suggest you pair it up with Scavenger, which automatically picks ammo from dead bodies. Additionally, in Warzone, this perk also has chances of getting additional armor plates from eliminated enemies.
For the Bonus Perk, Fast Hands would be the right choice. Switching between weapons takes time since you’ll use two primaries with this loadout. To eliminate the time between switching, this perk comes to the rescue.
To increase your survivability in the field and keep you going for successive gunfights, we have picked Quick Fix as the Ultimate Perk. When laying down or equipping an armor plate, your health will replenish faster and get you going for the next fight.
It is best to pick a Semtex when picking lethal equipment, as it sticks to the enemy and guarantees their elimination. Moreover, it also doesn’t roll from one place to another, making it reliable while being accurate. As for tactical equipment, you should pick Heartbeat Sensor, which reveals enemy positions for you. Alternatively, you can use Flash Grenades to stun an opponent and make them an easy target.
Reasons to use this loadout
If you, as a player, like to be aggressive, then this loadout will do you wonders in Call of Duty Season 5. Two primaries that cover close to long range make it a flawless loadout to go for in Warzone. Moreover, the equipment allows for quick and easy takedowns on opponents.
Try this loadout, and tweak it according to your wish to fine-tune it for your play style. If you wish to get updated on more meta weapons and loadout in Call of Duty Season 5, do give a follow. Also, if you want to read more similar articles now, visit our hub by clicking here.