Fracture is one of the most well-designed maps in Valorant currently. This Fracture Guide in Valorant will examine how you can use its layout to your advantage and play it better.
Valorant maps are intuitive, and there is a fun bit of lore around each. Regarding Fracture, it is supposed to be a research facility and a collaboration between the Kingdoms of Alpha and Omega. This collaboration’s top priority was to create a large Radian Collider.
On the day of launch, the Collider was destroyed by two snipers, and the resulting explosion wiped out most of the staff. The map is what remains of the research facility. Now that you know the lore of the map let us understand it and see how your team can thrive on it in the game.
- Valorant Fracture Locations and Callout Guide
- About Attacking on Fracture in Valorant
- How to attack A Site
- Where to Plant The Spike on A Site?
- How to attack B Site
- Where to Plant The Spike on B Site?
- How to attack A Site
- About Defending on Fracture in Valorant
- How to Defend the A Site
- Ways to Retake on A Site
- How to Defend the B Site
- Ways to Retake on B Site
- Best Agents to Pick on Fracture in Valorant and Why
- Tips to Remember When Playing Fracture in Valorant
Valorant Fracture Locations and Callout Guide

Fracture is a large map, and there are tons of strategies you can use to ensure that your team gets the victory. To play the map to its full potential, you must first study the callouts and see the best ways to approach attack and defense.
Fracture’s unique split it into two separate zones with no Mid area. Instead, we have zip lines that instantly access the other side of the map. Let us see what you need to know about the game’s associated callouts related to Fracture.
- When playing on A Site on Fracture: A Hall, A Door, A Rope, A Main, A Site, A Drop, A Dish, A Gate, A Link
- When playing on B Site on Fracture: B Bench, B Arcade, B Tower, B Site, B Generator, B Canteen, B Tunnel, B Main, B Tree
About Attacking on Fracture in Valorant
As with any other map, your team coordination must be sublime to attack on Fracture. That is why it is crucial to communicate a simple strategy with your teammates at the start of the round. A simple plan of attack can be better than no plan of attack at all.
You will increase the chances of success when your team has at least one Duelist to rely on to make space. Especially on the A Site, where there are so many angles one can get shot from. Although, we recommend going to the A Site since you can crunch the opposite team from many angles.
Teams with area control Ultimates like the Killjoy Lockdown or the Breach Rolling Thunder prefer going to B because it is appropriately utilized. That being said, the Site you visit depends on factors like the Ultimate availability, team coordination, enemy weaknesses, and the numbers advantage. Let us see how you can attack A Site on Fracture.
How to Attack A Site
We can use three different strategies to attack A Site in Valorant. One is an all-out A Site Push, the Second is a crunch from A Dish and A Main, and the third is to fake B with three people and then lurking up A.
For the All out push, ensure that the Initiators are flashing/darting/stunning standard angles. This will allow Duelists to create a pathway to the Site and provide an easy plant. Duelists should make first contact on A Main and lead the way to the Site. Clear out the top and bottom A Site before planting and ensure you have delaying utility for post plants like mollies, stuns, and other grenade abilities available.
For the Crunch strategy, it is essential to establish both A Dish and A Main control. Start with a 3-2 setup where two people push Dish and three push A Main. One has to be an Initiator on both sides to gather infor/debuff the enemies. Clear out the enemies and then hit the Site together. Any enemies in A Main or A Site will be crushed between your hits.
Lastly, for the Fake Strategy, you will also need a 3-2 setup. Although, it is also good to target B’s Arcade side to sell the fake. We recommend putting an Agent like Chamber on the Arcade side so they can Teleport away if it’s overwhelming. When hitting the B Site for the fake, ensure you use a utility like smokes, stuns, and Ultimates, if possible, to fake it.
However, the people on A that are lurking should not move toward the Site unless enough information is relayed to them from the B team.
Where to Plant The Spike on A Site?
The Plant spot depends on where the remaining attackers are stationed. If most of them are playing on Site, it is a good idea to plant Bottom Site either behind the Radianite boxes or the cubby parallel to those boxes. If most Attackers are present on A Dish or A Main, it is a good idea to plant in the open.
Plant the Spike in the Open ONLY if you have complete Dish, Defender Spawn, and A Sands control. Otherwise, the Defenders can easily pick off the planters in any of those positions. Although, this is where your utility will be the most handy. Ask your controllers to smoke off the areas you do not have map control over to get a safe plant still.
Your Controllers and Initiators will be vital in playing the post plant, so ensure you have enough smokes, mollies, and other delaying utility to prevent the enemy from defusing.
How to Attack B Site

The B Site will be challenging to attack since the B Entrance can be a funnel for attackers, leading to tripwires, Ultimates, or spam kills. That said, three strategies should be an excellent start for an attack. The first is the Arcade control setup, the next is the 3-2 Fake, and the third is the B Main and Tower Crunch.
For the Arcade Control Setup, ensure you have an Initiator who can flash/ stun B Tower when your Duelist takes the rope to it. This will allow control of B Tower. Have two players on B Main who can proceed toward the Site while clearing any adversaries. Be sure to smoke off B Generator and B Canteen. When you do, you will have the majority of B site control.
For the 3-2 Fake, you can use the same strategy on the A Site. Use any utility you can to sell the fake while the other two players sneak up on a different site, plant the bomb and get away. You will have to make even more noise for a B Fake since there is much more space to be taken in B. When the B Site is clear, smoke off standard angles and plant the bomb.
The B Main and B Tower Crunch will be the most effective strategy out of all these. You start with three people controlling B Main and two slowly establishing control of B Arcade. Watch out for enemies over peeking or gathering information. When near, smoke off B Generator and B Canteen to show site control and play for post plants. If things go sideways, you can continuously rotate back to A.
Where to Plant The Spike on B Site?
B Site has lots of plant spots depending on your priority. If you want to prioritize playing post-plant in Tower, you can plant it in the corner where Canteen and Generator are not visible. However, you can also do an Open plant ahead of the Radianite boxes, allowing you to post plant angles from B Main, B Generator, B Canteen, and B Tower. However, you will need complete control of the B Site to plant in the open.
To help with an Open Plant, ensure you have a supporting utility like smokes and stuns to distract opponents and take control of the Site.
About Defending on Fracture in Valorant
The defense side of Fracture is just as challenging as the attack. There are many different angles the enemies can attack you from, so it is wise to play with teammates and support your Duelists so they can get first picks to give you an advantage in the numbers game.
However, there are said strategies you can utilize to play better in the defensive half. Since Fracture has no mid, we do not need to dedicate a player solely to holding mid. This gives us the option to stack any site we want heavily. We recommend heavily stacking the B Site because retaking is comparatively more complicated.
Running a 3-2 setup is the best way to play Fracture, but if you notice an enemy frequent a site, you can also do a 4-1 stack where one Sentinel is posted on a single site, and the rest of the players are stationed on the other. That being said, let us look at how you can defend both sites on Fracture.
How to Defend A Site on Fracture
Defending A Site on Fracture requires you to have control of three different areas. One is the Opening Door near A Main, one is A Main, and another is A Dish. Once you control all these areas, you can successfully maintain control of the A Site. Among the people controlling the Site, one has to be a Duelist, an Initiator, and a Controller.
The Duelist will get the numbers advantage with the Initiator’s help, while the Controller can help cover your tracks. The Duelist can either peek at A Main, which is a familiar spot, or they can go to A Dish. Since Dish has fewer players, getting a kill would be comparatively more straightforward.
For Duelists, the goal is to get the first pick. For the Initiator, it is to help the Duelists, and for the Controller, it is to smoke off common entry points, making it difficult for the enemy to enter the Site. In this way, a basic setup for defense can be made. However, if things go haywire, it is best to retake. Let us see how you can do that.
Ways to Retake On A Site
Retaking A Site on Fracture requires you to have control of A Sands, A Dish, and A-Main. If you can get control of these three areas, your retake will be flawless. To do that, start by isolating everyone from the enemy team. If they are playing for A Main, try to smoke it off along with A Dish.
Use your utility to clear out the top and bottom areas of the A Site. Check every corner on the Site and ensure you do not get peeked from Dish until then. Then focus your attention on defusing. Your objective is to control at least A Dish and A Main.
After you smoke both areas, take control of A Site and prepare for enemy utility and other lineups. Make sure to get the bomb defused halfway, or try sticking it if possible. Even if the enemies peek at you, they will do so individually, which your team will be ready and waiting for.
Use this basic retake blueprint to retake almost any post-plant setup on A Site.
How to Defend B Site on Fracture

Defending B Site on Fracture is comparatively more complicated than the A Site. You never know where the enemies are, and there are various plant spots enemies can prioritize in the game for the Site. To defend well on B Site, we recommend placing a Sentinel on Site along with an Initiator or a Duelist, someone who can actively gather information.
Getting early information is necessary from B Main or B Arcade. The Sentinel’s setup should ensure two things. One, it should help assist kills (damaging the enemies or spotting them for spam kills) or delay pushes. A Killjoy or a Cypher in Fracture is capable of doing that.
Regarding raw defense, we recommend playing either Tower for an aggressive angle or, if you are confident enough, behind boxes on Site if you have an Operator. However, if you want to hold B passively, you can always play B Generator or B Canteen.
Ways to Retake on B Site
Retaking on B Site requires immense coordination and faster action. You have to execute a retake within 5 to 10 seconds of making a plan since the after-plant is so time-sensitive. That is why you should only begin the retake when all friendlies are close to the B Site.
Now, there are four crucial spots you need to establish control over to successfully retake B. Begin your retake by smoking off B Main and B Arcade to allow entrance onto the Site. Fight off enemies with any utility or explosives you might have. Use anything to get an advantage. Once you do, clear out Tower and put a player on defuse.
Again the priority is to get the defuse halfway. After that, try to clear out Tower; once you do, you must worry about two flanks, one from Arcade and one from B Canteen. If you are positive there are no flanks, clear out B Main with the number’s advantage to complete a retake.
Your abilities and Ultimates will be instrumental in helping you retake the same.
Best Agents to Pick On Fracture in Valorant and Why
Let us look at three Agents from each class who will be best on Fracture and discuss why that is the case.
- Jett: Jett is one of the best Duelists in the game, and her ability to get away after facing an enemy for a fight is unmatched. That is why she is a must-have for any map.
- Neon: Neon’s speed can help in site hits and retakes better than any other Duelist’s abilities. Her Overdrive is a good Ultimate to use on Eco Rounds, and her utility is vital in establishing control.
- Raze: Raze’s explosive personality and abilities are the best thing going for her. Her Paint Shells, Boom Bot and Ultimate, can help kill enemies, while the Satchels are an excellent space-making tool.
- Fade: Fade’s ability to debuff the enemy is unparalleled. Her Ultimate weakens and deafens the enemy, vital for a retake, while the Prowlers and the Fade Eye are critical information-seeking abilities.
- Sova: Sova is one of the most versatile Agents in the game, and it shows. His Shock Darts are great for post plants, and the Recon Bolt is essential as an information-seeking tool along with the Owl Drone. The Ultimate is an excellent tool for damage and post-plant.
- KAY/O: KAY/O minimizes mistakes by suppressing the enemy’s abilities. This might be one of the most significant advantages you can get. His flashes are versatile, while his Ultimate can be a great tool to slow down enemy hits.
- Killjoy: Killjoy is one of the Agents to use on Fracture due to her versatility. Her Alarm Bot can cover flanks while the Turret does enough damage and acts as an information-giving ability. The Nanoswarms do lethal damage in the post-plant and delay a lot, while the Lockdown is great for retakes.
- Cypher: Cypher’s tripwires can be a pain to deal with. More often than not, if the enemy does not know where it is, they will get spammed. This leads to free kills and breaks the Site hit most of the time. His Spy Cam can be a crucial info-gathering tool, while the Cyber Cages can be used as cover to reposition or spam.
- Chamber: If you want to be aggressive but also establish control over a map point, Chamber should be your pick. His abilities are a great backup, and the Ultimate is excellent for eco rounds. His tripwire can hold areas you cannot and can slow down the enemy hit.
- Brimstone: Brimstone is the best Controller in the game if you want to play on Fracture. He is excellent for post plants, and his Sky Smokes last long enough for you to hit sites and retake. His Ultimate can help you turn the tide in your favor.
- Astra: Astra’s abilities are some of the best at delaying defuses in the game. You can use those abilities to have some of the best post plants, and combined with other lethal abilities, your enemies will have a hard time winning defensive rounds should you get the bomb down.
- Omen: Omen is never a wrong choice for a Controller due to his ability to let a player take aggressive angles. You can climb on top of Radianite boxes and Teleport to various locations to catch the enemy off guard and kill them when they least expect you to be there.
Tips to Remember When Playing Fracture in Valorant

Here are some tips that will help you play the map better.
- Communicate site hits with your team. Form strategies. Pinpoint exactly where you need particular abilities to hit. Proper communication is the key to surviving Fracture.
- Utilize the Automatic Door on A Main to fake sound cues and increase enemy paranoia.
- Learn Lineups. Lineups are crucial and can be the difference between winning and losing rounds.
- Double Peek enemies when retaking. If it is a standard angle, an enemy will keep holding it, they might get the first person, but you can easily trade them.
That is everything you need to know about Fracture. For more Valorant Content, click here.