Split is a Valorant map with two elevated platforms on both main sites. Additionally, the high sections of the map are connected by a hub with two ropes. The ropes on the map are crucial parts that allow fast yet risky traversal.
Split is a slightly complex Valorant map that requires practice to master. Moreover, the map has two elevated levels, thus requiring vertical gameplay at times. If learned properly, you, as a player, can dominate this map easily.
The Japanese map in Riot’s Shooter features two sites requiring different approaches. To simplify the process, we’ve handcrafted this guide to help you learn about the map in the best way possible.
- Valorant Split locations and callout guide
- About Attacking on Split
- How to attack A Site
- Where to plant spikes on A Site?
- How to attack B Site
- Where to plant Spike on B Site?
- How to attack A Site
- About Defending on Split
- How to defend on A Site
- How to retake A Site?
- How to defend on B Site
- How to retake B Site?
- How to defend on A Site
- Best Agents to pick on Split and Why
- Tips to Remember
Valorant Split locations and callout guide

Split as a Valorant map has only two main Radianite sites, making learning simple. However, the map also has many underground-level passages that require a lot of ideas. To make the process of learning the map simpler, here are some of the most commonly used callouts:
On A site: A Main, Ramps, A Site, Sewers, Rafters, Elbow, A Screens, and A Heaven.
On B site: Mid Top, Mid Mail, B Heaven, Market, Rafters, Alley, B Site, B Main, and B Back.
About attacking on Split
Since there are only two main sites to take care of in Split, it is relatively easy to devise an attack plan to proceed with. However, the only tricky thing is, anticipating where enemies would arrive.
How to attack A Site
When approaching the A Site on Split, the most crucial task is to take control of A Main and Ramps. The reason is these areas would be typical from where friendlies can enter. It is better to keep two players proceeding from the Ramps to clear Heaven while rest three will clear the Rafters and enter the B Site.
To simplify this, keep a smoke-based Agent to block off vision from A Heaven Window and A Screen. Optionally, players can also smoke off A Rafters, as defenders hide in the blind spot. Clear out the site, especially the Elbow, to ensure a safe plant. Also, check A Screens corners to clear out hiding players.
You can also go for an alternative strategy by keeping two players on standby near A Main or Lobby, however, don’t push. Send three players from Sewers and B Market, and proceed for a push towards Mid Top. Once these players have reached, start an attack from A Main towards A Ramps.
This will allow players from Mid Top to reach A Heaven to clear out the area together. Once A Heaven’s control is taken, proceed to take control of A Site with the help of teammates. Watch Ropes and Defender Spawn, as opponents on B Site will likely rotate from here.
Where to plant Spike on A Site?
The best place to plant the Spike on Split A Site is near the small box adjacent to Elbow. If you haven’t cleared the A Site, it is better to plant perpendicular to A Heaven Window for a quick plant if the control is taken vertically. If all of the site is under friendly control, an Elbow or Open plant is still an option.
How to attack B Site
To attack B Site, players have multiple options to choose from. Players can proceed from B Heaven Side, B Main, or both. Here are the details for moving with the other Radianite site on Split Map in Valorant.
When focusing on the B Main site entrance, it is best to block off visions from B Heaven, B Back, and the right side after entering the spot. Agents like Astra, Sage, and Omen would be crucial when proceeding like this, as this site is highly open.
Additionally, put a lot of focus on gunfights when entering the site, so look towards the B Back Site and B Heaven to keep caution. Also, check B Alley from a passive position, as it is a great hiding spot for opponents.
You can also push from Mid Top and make your way to B Heaven. However, to proceed with this, check Ropes, and B Mail positions, as players can defend from that spot. If cleared, quickly make your way to the site from Heaven and keep on player back in B Mail so that they can hunt flanks.
Try to keep at least two players near B Heaven after gaining control. If not possible, try to play defensively on the site while hiding in good spots. Also, try to go for refrags by accompanying each other and even the odds on both teams.
You can also modify this B Heaven push strategy by sending in players from B Main together. This will create pressure on the opponent team and give more advantage to the friendlies. Ensure to provide callouts to players while pushing so your team can coordinate with you.
Where to plant Spike on B Site?
There is only one great spot in B Site, which is typical for all when going for the Spike plant. This position is behind the small B Site box near B Back and perpendicular to B Rafters or Catwalk. Experienced players call this default plant, and it is an excellent callout to give to your team.
About defending on Split
Defending is a more tedious process when playing on Split, as opponents can push from anywhere and take control of the site. Thus, keeping more passive gameplay while playing active retakes by outplaying opponents is better.
How to defend on A Site?
When prioritizing defense on A Site, keep two to three players close. Having both Sentinel and Controller Agents near the site is recommended, as they can delay opponent entry. One player has to hold A Main from A Screen or Rafters, while one will hold A Ramp or Heaven. With will allow for an even defense setup and maximum site coverage.
An additional player can join the defense setup by staying near Elbow. However, it is best if they hold Ropes. If a player holds A Ropes, it will deny opponents to push Heaven from two angles, one from Ropes and another from A Ramps. However, if the Heaven player is confident about gunfights when holding from the Elbow position is acceptable for the third player.
Also, when checking the angle, clear out places like A Main, A Ramp boxes, Lobby, Top Mid, and Ropes. All these positions are expected for entering A Site and should be controlled at all costs. If the other site is rushed, keep one player in A Site, while the rest will move to B Site.
>How to retake the A Site?
One of the most challenging jobs in competitive games like Valorant is retaking sites from enemy control. Opponents can enter from A Heaven and A Main when playing on Split’s A Site. Try to pre-fire these positions to make opponents fear before entering those positions.
However, if the push is challenging, fall back from those areas and hold from other angles. This will allow players from B Main and Mid to rotate around and give additional support. It is best for players two come back to A Site from Defender Spawn and Ropes, as they are short and effective.
This will allow the team to sandwich players near Heaven to get sandwiched and apply pressure from one direction. However, it takes a bit of time, which might put friendlies at risk. So, it is best to give callouts for better coordination.
How to defend on B Site?
If you wish to keep more pressure on B Site of Split, you’ll need three players present. One Sentinel Agent will hold Mid Mail and Heaven, while one Initiator or Duelist will play B Site and any Agent on Ropes. This will allow all these three players to take dynamic positions according to the situation.
For instance, if more players try to push from Mid, then two Agents on Mid Mail and Ropes and peek them together. While if players rush in from B Main, then the B Site player and Heaven player can coordinate accordingly. Moreover, wherever opponents try to enter, these three players would be able to gather enough intel to counter-strategize.
Prominent positions to take care of while defending are B Main, Mid Bottom, Sewers, and Mid Top. These are the main places where opponents can enter, and it is better not to over-peek these areas. Only allow the Ropes player to gather all the intel on Mid, while the B Site player will passively peek at B Main to get info on how many players are there.
>How to retake the A Site?
When taking back Site A, it is crucial to anticipate where enemies can be. When approaching Heaven from Defender Spawn, players must be careful around Heaven Stairs. However, to confuse the enemies, players can make some noise around Heaven and move toward B Alley by shift walking.
While other players can enter from Mid Top or B Main, it is better to coordinate with the team with what they wish to take control of. If the team is near B Heaven, at least two players must approach it from two angles. The same logic also applies to B Main, as maximum force is crucial for retakes, and players must give their everything.
When an enemy position is exposed, it is better to outsmart them by either sandwiching them or taking them by surprise. Like all other times, give necessary callouts to players alive to win the round easily.
Best Valorant Agents to pick on Split and Why
Valorant has many Agents to pick from. However, only a few are great for playing on Split. Keeping at least one Sentinel, Controller, and Duelist at all costs when playing on the map is suggested. The rest two Agent picks can depend on which characters have already been chosen.
- Raze: Her explosive utilities can hurt and clear enemies from crucial positions, and Split has many of them. Additionally, her grenades can also reach spots that are hard to get.
- Jett: The Agent can quickly escape sticky situations and close off points of view by using her smokes.
- Reyna: Reyna is great for aggressive playstyles, and her flashes are great for entering sites and defending against rushing players.

- Skye: For intel, Skye is an excellent pick for Split; however, she also has healing abilities, making her a Sage alternative.
- Breach: Breach is a must on Split for jumping into immediate actions as entry points are minor. He can use his abilities to stun enemies and create a window for entering.
- KAY/O: The robot Agent is great for sabotaging opponents with his abilities. He can create tough times for opponents with almost no pressure.
> Controller
- Omen: The Agent has teleportation abilities which can be used in Split, as there are many high places to reach. Additionally, he can also flash enemies and smoke off vision.
- Astra: When playing on Split, Astra is a must on every team. Her abilities are great for slowing opponents down and blocking the vision from anywhere on the map.
- Killjoy: The Agent is great for getting helpful information and sabotaging opponents with her utilities. Her ultimate, Lockdown, is also great for clearing out sites without effort.
- Deadlock: The latest addition to Valorant has all kinds of abilities that make her fit for playing on Split. Her Barrier Mesh ability is applicable on most maps, including the Japanese map.
- Sage: The healer Agent performs excellently playing on Split and provides additional support. She can also slow down her enemies using her Slow Orbs, which is helpful on the map.
Valorant tips to remember on Split
- Do not just move your mouse horizontally but vertically as well, as Split has many higher grounds.
- Do not peek from the same position multiple times, as it puts you at risk of getting pre-fired.
- Remember to fall back when things get hard and reapproach with different tactics.
- Share callouts and information with the team rather than express feelings after a gunfight.
- Try not to get tilted when losing a round. Negativity harms player performance even more.
- Pick only those Agents helpful in Split instead of just picking your favorite character.
- Shift Walk whenever possible. This will allow you to sneak in. Especially when using the Ropes to access A Heaven without any noise.
That is all you need to know about playing on Split in Valorant. If you like this article, make sure to check our other similar guides by clicking here.