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Bryan Johnson Unveils His $16 Longevity Diet to Help Him Live Up to 200 Years

Radha Iyer

Bryan Johnson Unveils His $16 Longevity Diet to Help Him Live Up to 200 Years

Longevity is one of the primary concerns of several fitness enthusiasts who wish to stay healthy as much as they can. But Bryan Johnson has taken things up a notch as he spends millions of dollars trying to expand the number of years of his life.

The millionaire invested several thousand dollars into researching ways to reverse his aging process, and so far, he seems to have made stunning progress. What started with fans joking about some of his extreme methods has now evolved into a strong follower base who are curious about his techniques.

Recently, he revealed his list of essentials that helped him get on track to aging backwards, which included $16-worth of edible items per day. The routine diet that spanned throughout the day contained a mix of supplements, oils, veggies, and so on.

He began by revealing how the ultimate blueprint to reverse aging did not happen the moment they sat down to design it. Instead, this miracle diet was a result of several rounds of experimentation.

“We’ve gone through all the scientific evidence, we’ve come through all the best studies, we’ve identified what the clinically relevant dose is, we’ve put that into a program where every calorie has to fight for its life…”

All in all, Johnson and his team went through some tedious procedures before making a tiered-based diet plan for the common folk to try. The Blueprint Stack that Johnson consumes consists of a Longevity Mix, Blueprint Pills, Super Veggie Powder, Extra virgin olive oil, and Nutty Pudding.

“We’ve tried to make it not only the best in the world but also cost competitive with the grocery store.”

The entire plan amounts to 400 calories, which Johnson suggests one could replace within their current diet. However, since it’s a tiered program, his team also offers some essentials for more cost-effective options.

Bryan Johnson offers his anti-aging basics for as low as $125

If one didn’t want to commit about $300+ for a full stack of supplements, meals, and oil, Johnson and his team designed two other options with lesser elements offering similar anti-aging benefits. These stacks include extra virgin olive oil and some newly formulated goodies to help promote longevity.

The cheapest Starter Stack consists of the new cocoa powder, longevity mix for a wholesome beverage, and oil. While these will not include full meals, they can replace the regular ingredients used in a routine diet for added benefits.

About the author

Radha Iyer

Radha Iyer


Radha Iyer is a US Sports writer at The SportsRush. With a Master's degree in Media and Communication, and a background in content creation and production, sports journalism has been a part and parcel of her demonstrated history in the said field. Olympic sports hold a special place in her heart, and she is particularly interested in sports like track and field, gymnastics, and swimming. She also draws inspiration from legendary athletes like Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, and many more.

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