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Minecraft Tips and Tricks 2023 : Things Beginner Players Need to Do When First Starting Minecraft

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

Things Beginner Players Need to Do When First Starting Minecraft in 2023: Tips and Tricks!

Beginning any game is a refreshing and thrilling experience. However when you get into a community that is as vast as Minecraft, then you will automatically be confused about what to do. There is a lot to do in this game. Building, exploring, participating in different servers, finding seeds, etc. However, those things cannot be done if one does not have a firm grasp of the basics. That is why we are going to take a look at the best tips and tricks for beginners in Minecraft!

Top 7 Tips for Beginner Minecraft Players in 2023

#7 – Gather Materials

It is important for a player to gather materials when first starting out their journey. The game is filled with important materials like stone, metals, tables, enchantment items, and more. However, for beginners, we recommend collecting wood, dirt, or stone so you can craft some tools. Finding a cave and mining it for resources while chopping a tree by hand should give you wood.

#6 – Build Weapons/Tools

Building is as important in the game as surviving. Tools and weapons will give you an edge over mobs and ensure that you survive the night. Use the resources you mine and the trees you chop to make tools using a crafting table. In addition, use those tools to look for better materials to craft even better weapons. The game is a process of building and rebuilding to get to the top.

#5 – Make A Shelter

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Making living quarters is essential in an exploration/survival game like Minecraft. That is why we need to ensure that build you a proper shelter that has basic amenities and can protect you from mobs. If you do not want to make an advanced shelter, there are plenty of videos online which can teach you how to make a basic shelter/house in the game.

#4 – Understand the Game

Now that we have gathered materials and built a shelter. We can relax and take the time to enjoy the game and understand the mechanics. Understand the game requires you to have food, build shelters, fend off mobs, and survive hostility. Creative mode is the one for casual gamers while survival mode is for people who do not mind getting their hands dirty.

Note: Make sure you set your spawn point, by clicking on a bed. You can learn how to get a bed in Minecraft quite easily.

#3 – Start a Farm

After you encounter a fair amount of mobs and check out the vegetables available, make sure you start a farm. We recommend starting both a vegetable and animal farm. Check out the plains and savannahs, you will find most domesticated animals here and you can trade in Minecraft villages for seeds. Starting a farm will ensure a flowing supply of food which is essential for survival.

#2 – Be Creative with Everything

It is a building game after all. If you want inspiration for anything, check out the Reddit servers for the game. There are multiple videos released every day by popular Youtubers showcasing their build of various mansions, buildings, and the like. Grab inspiration from them or create something on your own. Minecraft gives you a blank canvas, it is up to you to paint a picture.

#1 – Build and Survive

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By now you must have understood what the objective of this game is. It is to survive with everything you have as long as possible. By ensuring that you follow the earlier steps, you create a good baseline of what is expected of you when you start this game. Build as many contraptions that benefit your gameplay and survive with the tools at your disposal while having fun, that is the objective of Minecraft.

Want more Minecraft-related tips and tricks? Stay tuned at The SportsRush!

About the author

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

Adnan Juzar Kachwala


Adnan Kachwala is a Gaming Journalist working as a Content Writer at The SportsRush. Adnan started covering Valorant when he watched Shroud dominate public matches with his aim. He wanted to write about Call of Duty ever since his first Nuclear in Black Ops II. He has an expertise in FPS games like Call of Duty and Valorant and has been covering them along with other games for more than two years. He has written more than 600 articles on both of those games along with other popular AAA titles. He has a Mass Media Degree with a Specialization in Journalism. Adnan has an expertise writing listicles related to Gaming and reviewing newer releases. When he is not making content, you can find him reading books, creating videos and watching Valorant Esports on Twitch.

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