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How Michael Jordan’s gambling habits lost him $5 million in a single night at Las Vegas at the craps table

Ashish Priyadarshi

How Michael Jordan's gambling habits lost him $5 million in a single night at Las Vegas at the craps table

Michael Jordan will never back down from anyone. He’s competitive to the point where he’ll even bet money on games of chance in which he has no control over the outcome.

Jordan would take anything anyone said, even if it was just a comment made in passing, and use it as motivation. By now, memes of his ‘And I took it personally’ quote from the Last Dance are viral enough to help you understand how absurdly competitive he was.

After all, to be such a dominant player, you need to have the character that goes along with it. Jordan dominated opponents on the court and in their minds.

Jordan’s competitiveness also meant that he would regularly make bets with anyone. The bets could be on his golfing skills, his basketball skills, or even sometimes, the most random things.

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Michael Jordan once lost $5 million playing craps in Las Vegas

Jordan loves gambling, but that doesn’t mean that it always worked out for the Bulls legend. Gambling is a big risk, no matter how ‘good’ you may be at it.

His biggest gambling loss came in Las Vegas at the craps table. Jordan went big and tried to score a home run, but it just wasn’t his night.

He lost $5 million, a massive blow to his bank account. Of course, the NBA GOAT is a billionaire, and he probably doesn’t worry too much about a $5 million loss, but it’s still crushing no matter what. Additionally, knowing the kind of person Jordan is, he was probably more upset about losing than actually taking a hit to his bank account.

Jordan would try and gamble and bet on everything, no matter how high the stakes. He’d win some, and he’d lose some, but that’s just how the Bulls legend operated.

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About the author

Ashish Priyadarshi

Ashish Priyadarshi


Ashish Priyadarshi is The SportsRush's content manager and editor. Ashish freelanced for 1 year in the NFL division before taking on an editorial role in the company. He then tacked on managing content while adding on a writing role in the NBA division. Ashish has been closely following the NFL and NBA since the 2012 season when the Patriots lost the Super Bowl and Derrick Rose was at the height of his powers. Since then, Ashish has focused on honing his knowledge for both leagues in, even writing crossover pieces. In his free time, Ashish is an avid basketball player, he loves to watch movies and TV shows, immersing himself in the cinematic world. Ashish studies computer science and data science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and would love to mesh his love for sports with his technical skills.

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