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If It Was LeBron James Klutch Sports Would Delete It Out Of Existence Say NBA Fans As Stephen Curry ‘Dupes’ Internet With Full Court Shot

Samir Mehdi

Stephen Curry(L) and LeBron James (R)

Fans have gotten fairly acclimatized to Stephen Curry performing feats of otherworldly proportions. So, when he decided to chuck a shot from the tunnel into the opposite basket over 100 feet away from him, it made sense that if the ball looked like it went in, it did in fact, go in.

Unfortunately for Curry fans, the unimaginable has taken place. He did indeed try to hit this full court shot to appease fans in the tunnel but missed by a couple inches. The ball would go on to swish the net almost perfectly but right below the rim.

Fans were livid when this was brought to light. Not because they expected the ball to go in as even for the greatest shooter in NBA history this isn’t a shot that’s routinely expected of him. Rather due to how long it was up on social media as a shot that was made to seem like it went in, almost as if fans were ‘duped’ into believing it.

Some fans took another route when it came to reacting to it. They brought in how if this was LeBron James who missed this shot, Rich Paul and Klutch Sports would erase this ‘lowlight’ off the face of the Earth.

The reason for this is due to Klutch consistently being accused of manipulating the way James is covered on social media. The most covered story regarding this is when Jordan Crawford at a Nike LeBron camp while in high school in 2009 dunked over ‘the King’.

Instead of gaining widespread notoriety for putting that year’s MVP on a poster, Jordan’s dunk was shelved. Nike (not Klutch) reportedly confiscated all tapes concerning this moment. Nike spokesperson, Derek Kent, issued a press release claiming the camp was operated with 0 tolerance for videotaping for years, hence the confiscation.

Regardless, comparing that event or any such involvements regarding LeBron James’ image being preserved to this Steph clip isn’t all too founded in reality. It’s only now that Curry’s miss is being publicized as the clip simply didn’t make the rounds soon enough.

It should be assumed that if this gains enough momentum, Steph would address it. So for now, SC30 fans can take solace in the fact that despite this shot not going in, their favorite player still holds his title as ‘GOAT shooter’.

About the author

Samir Mehdi

Samir Mehdi


Samir Mehdi is a senior strategist for the NBA division at The Sportsrush. Ever since he was 13 years old, he’s been obsessed with the game of basketball. From watching Kobe Bryant’s highlights on YouTube to now, analyzing and breaking down every single game on League Pass, Samir’s passion for the game is unwavering. He's a complete basketball junkie who not only breaks down current games but also keenly watches ones from the 60s’ and 70s’ while also reading comprehensive books on the history of the league. Samir’s life revolves around basketball and he hopes that shows in his work. Aside from work, he loves to spend time in the gym and with his friends at social gatherings.

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