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LeBron James Owning an NBA Team Would Be a “Recipe for Success”, Says Former NBA All-Star

Shubham Singh

LeBron James Owning an NBA Team Would Be a “Recipe for Success”, Says Former NBA All-Star

LeBron James has openly expressed his interest in owning a Las Vegas-based NBA franchise in the future. During a 2022 NBA preseason presser in Abu Dhabi, the LA Lakers superstar told NBA commissioner Adam Silver that he’d love to bring a team to Las Vegas. Former NBA star Kenyon Martin recently declared that he believes James has what it takes to successfully own an NBA franchise.

On Gil’s Arena, the 2004 NBA All-Star opined that LBJ’s decision-making capabilities as a player will translate well into the ownership role. He seemed confident that James will succeed as a Chairperson because he knows how to build winning rosters.

Martin said,

I do think LeBron would have success as an owner because he knows what the product looks like, what the winning recipe is for success. I think he has that knowledge and being able to handpick a situation as an owner…[will help him]”

The 46-year-old then turned his attention to the rumors that LeBron has a big say as the superstar face of the franchise in what decisions his teams make. Such narratives have earned him the notorious moniker of LeGM.

Martin said that all those rumors can be overinflated falsehood for all he knows. However, as an owner, he’d certainly be able to make each major decision for his team. This direct control will enable him to showcase his high basketball IQ further.

Martin continued,

People think he’s had control in the situation that he’s been in, being a top guy. Decisions have always run through LeBron’s desk when decisions have been made, we don’t know if that’s true or false.”

“But in this situation, he will have that where every decision will run through his desk. Being able to yay or nay, signs and trades, and things like that, I think it is a recipe for success for him.”

Martin also highlighted that James’ business associates Maverick Carter and Rich Paul will be perfect fit in the front office.

Since Paul is the biggest agent in the market currently and is an active scout at both high school and college level, he can shift to the role of a General Manager seamlessly. Having the people he trusts in the management of his team will further embolden James’ vision as an owner.

I’m pretty sure Mav[Carter] will be involved… Rich[Paul] will step away probably and be the GM of the situation now… It’s stuff like that he will have in place to be able to evaluate talent at the high-school, college level, or stuff like that they already got the knowledge of and having success as a player with LeBron makes a good recipe for a successful organization.

Kenyon Martin has made a persuasive case for LeBron James as an owner. He is spot-on about James’ influence in the league. As a player, he commands as a lot of respect from his peers. Therefore, a shift to a GM role after he retires will receive a warm welcome. 

James’ personal desire to own a franchise in Vegas means that he is already prepping for the role. It will be interesting to see how the King approaches things after his retirement.

Post Edited By:Satagni Sikder

About the author

Shubham Singh

Shubham Singh


Shubham Singh is an NBA Journalist at SportsRush. He found his passion in Writing when he couldn't fulfil his dream of playing professional basketball. Shubham is obsessed with box scores and also loves to keep track of advanced stats and is, particularly, fond of writing CoreSport analytical pieces. In the league, his all time favorites were 80s Bad Boys, Pistons, while Dennis Rodman and his enthralling rebounding made him love the game more. It also made him realize that the game is much more than fancy scoring and playmaking. Shubham is also a huge fan of cricket and loves to watch all forms of women sports.

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