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“My ‘Only the Strong Survive’ tattoo is about my upbringing and my obstacles”: Allen Iverson broke down his most meaningful tattoo and what it represents

Samir Mehdi

“My ‘Only the Strong Survive’ tattoo is about my upbringing and my obstacles”: Allen Iverson broke down his most meaningful tattoo and what it represents

Allen Iverson once talked about his ‘Only the Strong Survive’ tattoo and how it represented his struggles coming up in the NBA. 

Allen Iverson wasn’t exactly dealt the right cards when it came to his upbringing. Born in Virgina to 15-year-old, Ann Iverson, AI had to grow up quick in order to be able to provide for himself and his mother. Luckily for him, he had an innate talent in both basketball and football, playing quarterback for Bethel High School. 

While trying to juggle being a star in the making in the AAU circuit along with being a stellar quarterback for his HS, AI unfortunately got into an altercation at a bowling alley that had him instated into a correctional facility for 4 months.

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Allen Iverson was fortunate to have played so well at Bethel during his first three years there that Georgetown’s John Thompson offered him a full scholarship to be a part of their basketball team. 

The first tattoo Iverson ever got was actually to pay homage to his alma mater, getting a Bulldog inked on himself for the Georgetown Bulldogs. This one tattoo led to him getting 30+ more. 

Allen Iverson breaks down the tattoo on his left shoulder. 

Allen Iverson had to go through quite a bit throughout his early days to get to a point where he was considered to be one of the greatest offensive talents of his generation. He used tattoos as a conduit to tell his life story and one that is incredibly meaningful and powerful is ‘Only the Strong Survive’ on his left shoulder.

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In an interview nearly a decade ago, ‘The Answer’ broke down just what this tattoo means to him and how it showcases just how much he had to go through to get to Hall-of-Fame status. 

“It comes from my upbringing. All the things I had to endure in my life, all the obstacles that I was faced with; just trying to make it out, make a better way for my family. Where I’m from, how hard it is to make it out. I thought about how I had to be strong enough to do it. Only the strong survive.” 

“If they’re a weak person, they break. They give up. That’s just not me. So, whatever I go through in life, whatever it is, I fight through it. I don’t think God will put you through something you can’t handle.” 

About the author

Samir Mehdi

Samir Mehdi


Samir Mehdi is a senior strategist for the NBA division at The Sportsrush. Ever since he was 13 years old, he’s been obsessed with the game of basketball. From watching Kobe Bryant’s highlights on YouTube to now, analyzing and breaking down every single game on League Pass, Samir’s passion for the game is unwavering. He's a complete basketball junkie who not only breaks down current games but also keenly watches ones from the 60s’ and 70s’ while also reading comprehensive books on the history of the league. Samir’s life revolves around basketball and he hopes that shows in his work. Aside from work, he loves to spend time in the gym and with his friends at social gatherings.

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