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Tom Brady Prepped for Next Game Mid-Flight After Defeating Packers: Ben Watson

Oindrila Chowdhury

Tom Brady Prepped for Next Game Mid-Flight After Defeating Packers: Ben Watson

Back when Tom Brady donned his football gear and stepped onto the gridiron each week, his focus was always on improvement, even after a win. His former teammate, Ben Watson, recently shared one such story that further illustrates Brady’s dedication to his love for football.

In an interview on the “Pure Athlete” podcast, the former NFL tight end gave insight into the unmatched work ethic of two renowned quarterbacks, TB12 and Drew Brees.

Having played alongside both of the former NFL players, Watson opened up about their preparation routines and noteworthy leadership qualities. And one particular anecdote from a flight home after a win against the Green Bay Packers stood out.  

According to Watson’s memory, while the rest of the team was celebrating their win, he noticed something as he passed by Brady’s seat; the quarterback was fully engrossed in analyzing the film of their next opponent on his laptop. Despite the lingering rush of the game’s excitement, Brady remained entirely focused and was preparing for what lay ahead.  

“I remember flying home from Green Bay, this was 2009 or so. We had played the Packers. We’re on the plane coming back, I go to the back of the plane, pass by Tom, I’m talking to him, and he has the film open, the computer open, and he’s watching film of our next opponent. We haven’t even landed yet. He’s watching the next week.”

Similarly, Watson shared a story about Drew Brees’s commitment. In 2013, during Watson’s tenure with the New Orleans Saints, he encountered a scene one early Saturday morning. While Saturdays before games usually involved meetings, treatments, and a walk-through session, that morning was different.

Walking into the lit Fieldhouse, Watson spotted someone moving near the 50-yard line. Curious, he asked about the person’s identity and was told by the strength coach that it was Drew practicing alone.

Despite an impending walk-through session that day under Coach Sean Payton’s supervision—known for its rigor and length—Brees was diligently going through each play and progression on his own. He visualized every move meticulously, identifying reads and simulating throws.

After sharing the anecdotes about the two NFL veterans, the former NFL tight end also offered his perspective on the leadership approaches of the two former quarterbacks.

Watson’s Candid Take On Brady and Brees’ Leadership

As the conversation progressed, Watson compared Brady’s and Brees’ unique leadership styles. He described how Brady would immediately start preparing for the game after finishing one, setting a standard for himself and those around him. His vocal corrections on the field made everyone strive for greatness.

Brees, on the other hand, had a quieter form of leadership through his solo preparation sessions. Moreover, his silent dedication spoke volumes, inspiring his teammates through example rather than directives during games. 

“Are those two guys anomalies? No, I don’t think so. I think the differences—everybody has their own quirks. You’ll never see Drew yelling at people during a game on national television when their mom’s watching. While Tom Brady will embarrass you, and he has no problem doing that. So they have different game-day leadership styles.”

Watson pointed out that although Brady and Brees had different approaches, they shared a mutual trait: a competitive spirit. Both their desire for utmost perfection and their preparation to weave their magic on the field set them apart. He noted that such devotion is not uncommon, but the ability to maintain it for decades is what truly makes them iconic.

Post Edited By:Samnur Reza

About the author

Oindrila Chowdhury

Oindrila Chowdhury


Oindrila is a seasoned sports journalist with over 2 years of experience covering the NFL and MLB. With Sportskeeda and Pinkvilla, she has a combined portfolio of 1000+ published articles under her name. When Oindrila is not glued to covering the news, you might find her deciphering the stock market or keeping up with the next hot fashion trend.

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