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Tom Brady’s 5 Year Absence Takes Center Stage as Aaron Rodgers’ Minicamp Situation Refuses to Die

Ayush Juneja

Tom Brady 'Misses' Float To Surface As Aaron Rodgers Minicamp Situation Refuses To Die

Aaron Rodgers has found himself in quite a predicament after deciding to miss the Jets’ mandatory minicamp. The situation escalated when Robert Saleh labeled his absence as unexcused, sparking all sorts of speculation. With the controversy refusing to die down a few days later, people are now looking at Brady’s past absences from mandatory workouts for comparison and justification.

Robert Griffin III recently took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his support for A-Rod. He pointed out that Brady, after turning 40, missed voluntary practices for five straight years, which in Rodgeers’ case hasn’t happened. Yet, questions about Brady’s leadership never surfaced.

He also argued that Rodgers didn’t miss any of the OTAs this year and even informed his team about prior commitments before the mandatory minicamp. This is why RGIII believes that Aaron, much like TB12, has earned the right to take time off.

However, the majority of fans online believe that every practice needs a team leader. Considering that Rodgers was the one who urged everyone to focus on football and avoid distractions ahead of the season, his absence reeks of hypocrisy.

Several critics even pointed out flaws in Griffin’s argument, noting Brady’s long tenure with the Patriots provided continuity, lacking for Rodgers with the Jets. Brady compensated for missed practices with rigorous personal training, amassing five rings by the age of 40.

There are also many who feel that for a QB who has attended all the voluntary workouts and has proven himself over his career, missing two days of minicamp is not something to sweat about. A-rod is getting support from some familiar faces too.

Current and Former Aaron Rodgers Teammates Chime In on Explosive Situation

Rodgers’s situation has garnered interest from every corner, and everyone, including his former teammates, has an opinion on the matter. This includes former Super Bowl winner with the Packers and A-Rod’s former teammate, James Jones.

During the recent episode of NFL Speak, Jones stated that the Jets shouldn’t be concerned with their QB missing the mandatory minicamp. He pointed out that since coming to New York, Aaron has been a model player and has done everything in his power to support the team aside from his ACL injury. He also asserted that everyone seemed to omit from the conversation that he had attended all the voluntary practices.

Before Jones, it was David Bakhtiari who sent out a cryptic tweet in favor of his pal. So it’s not surprising that his current teammates also have his back on the matter.

During the Jets’ recent presser, star CB DJ Reed stated that Aaron has been to the majority of OTA. Considering that Rodgers absolutely needed to attend this important event, Reed believes it automatically becomes important for the entire team, as the four-time MVP is their leader.

Notably, the Chiefs and their players have had a worse off-season than the Jets, especially off the field. However, the chatter around them died down instantly. It hasn’t happened in this case because it involves Aaron Rodgers, who is far from a media sweetheart, and the fact that the Jets are based in a large market like New York.

A-Rod has a lot to prove this season, particularly after the disastrous last season. However, no one should care what narrative the media is peddling. The only thing that matters is winning games. His teammates and coaches already have his back. We all know that when he delivers his first win in green colors, all will be forgotten.

About the author

Ayush Juneja

Ayush Juneja


Ayush Juneja is an NFL Journalist at the SportsRush. New to Gridiron, he has been following the sport for past 9 months and has authored over 400 articles so far. As a sports enthusiast and a true adrenaline junkie, he finds the physical side of sports to be more thrilling and engaging. A big fan of Liverpool F.C., he now roots for another red team in San Francisco 49ers and would love to see a match at Levi's Stadium and Michigan Stadium. American culture and politics fascinates him and would love to experience it first hand.

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