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“Video of Me Crying for 45 Minutes Not Enough?”: Jason Kelce Left Bewildered After Eagles Made Him Do This

Samnur Reza

“Video of Me Crying for 45 Minutes Not Enough?”: Jason Kelce Left Bewildered After Eagles Made Him Do This

The Philadelphia Eagles concluded their 2023 season in the Wildcard Round, which also marked the end of an era for their star center, Jason Kelce. Following a remarkable and storied 13-year career, Kelce decided to hang up his cleats, but he didn’t announce this right away. It took him almost two months and a heartfelt 45-minute speech to make it official. Yet, it seems this emotional farewell didn’t quite hit the mark for his team.

During the recent episode of the ‘New Heights’ podcast, Jason’s younger brother and co-host, Travis Kelce, dubbed July 2nd ‘Kelce Day,’ which officially placed Jason on the retired/reserved list. The elder Kelce, however, instantly shot it down and quipped that if the Eagles had waited two more days, he would have got $30 million in guaranteed money, both bursting into laughter.

Travis doubled down and joked, “Goddamn, you usually hope they miss those kinda things,” to which Jason added that he actually had to submit an email to the front office to officially declare his retirement. The six-time All-Pro found it quite weird, adding,

“Is the whole video of me crying for 45 minutes not enough?”

Travis later asked Jason how he felt about being officially placed on the retired/reserved list, to which Jason responded that it had been ‘officially official’ for a while, thus, it didn’t change anything for him.

Safe to say, the former Eagles star and a future Hall of Famer is ready to transition into broadcasting. What remains uncertain, however, is whether the club can fill his shoes. Without a shadow of a doubt, Jason was the linchpin of the offensive front and played an indispensable role in executing the Tush Push play.

Jason Kelce’s Replacement in Philadelphia

With the 2024 season inching close, the Eagles have found Jason Kelce’s replacement in Cam Jurgens. The Nebraska alum was selected by the team back in 2022 with hopes of filling Jason Kelce’s shoes, and after spending two years under his wings, Jurgen feels that he is ready to take on the role.

Following Kelce’s retirement announcement, it was initially odd for Jurgens to take over the locker room once occupied by a future Hall of Famer. However, over time, he managed to adapt and rise to the challenges. He now wishes to simply be himself and become the best footballer he can be, without dwelling on things he cannot control.

“At the end of the day just be myself you know,” Jurgens told reporters during last month’s OTAs. “I’m not trying to be somebody’s replacement or somebody’s next person. I’m just trying to be myself. Can I be the best football player that I can be in whatever position they put me in? That’s what I’m going to do. I’m not worried about anything else besides what I can control. I think that’s all I got to worry about at the end of the day.”

As it turns out, Jurgens has become quite the charmer in Philly. Offensive tackle Jordan Mailata was recently asked if Jurgens was making the right calls, and his words speak volumes. “Cam’s killing it,” he said, confirming that the Eagles can once again go all the way this year.

That being said, it will be interesting to see if Cam Jurgens can live up to the hype. While Jason is famously known for embracing the boos, the media, and the colorful fans of Philly, the same enthusiasm isn’t yet seen in the 24-year-old soon-to-be starter.

About the author

Samnur Reza

Samnur Reza


Samnur Reza, or "Rocky," is an NFL editor for the SportsRush. Although his love for football began with Tom Brady, he’s now a devoted fan of Jalen Hurts and is keeping his fingers crossed for the first ring. When asked how he remains loyal to the Eagles, he channels his inner Jim from The Office and responds, 'On a wing and a prayer.' Much like his love for football, Rocky is a dedicated cinephile with an impressive amount of screen time. He’s also fond of cats and has a furry friend named ‘Eva’.

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