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Ciryl Gane Confirms Potential UFC Return Timeline to a Fan

Kishore R

Ciryl Gane Confirms Potential UFC Return Timeline to a Fan

Amidst allegations of ducking a fight against Tom Aspinall, Frenchman juggernaut and former UFC interim HW champ, Ciryl Gane has revealed the timeline for his UFC return. Recently, the Frenchman encountered a young fan during his outing to whom he mentioned the timeline of his next UFC bout at UFC Paris in September.

Although the conversation was majorly in French, the 34-year-old was heard mentioning “September,” confirming that his next bout will be in Paris when the UFC bandwagon reaches the French capital in September. Moreover, once the clip went viral, the popular MMA page Championship Rounds put matters to rest by confirming the speculations.

The Frenchman last faced Serghei Spivac at UFC Fight Night where he finished the ‘Polar Bear’ with punches to bounce back from his loss against a returning Jon Jones.

As of now, Gane who boasts a record of 12-2-0 has a jampacked schedule and is focusing his time and energy on a Netflix production. However, this has gotten him sharp criticism from the MMA community including several sly jibes from fellow heavyweight and current interim HW champ, Tom Aspinall.

The Brit deemed that Gane has lost his focus and is more of an actor now, dismissing him as a “French Arnold Schwarzenegger” after he turned down UFC’s offer to fight the Brit in Manchester at UFC 304. With that being said, Gane dismissed Aspinall’s allegations, saying that he would meet the 31-year-old inside the octagon very soon.

Besides the acting commitments, ‘Bon Gamin’ is also set to be the torchbearer for the 2024 Olympic Games for his home country, France.

Ciryl Gane to bear the French torch in the Paris Olympics

Ciryl Gane is set to be a part of the traditional Olympic flame relay that travels through the host nation (France), leading up to the opening ceremony. In fact, in a recent post on Instagram, Gane claimed he was “Proud to carry the flame,” and even discussed the possibility of MMA being included in the Olympics in the future.

While the fighter asked his fans to meet him at La Roche-sur-Yon on June 4, the relay has already commenced on May 9th and has now reached Marseille, France. The French Airforce had a colorful welcome when the Olympic flame was lit in Marseille, adorning the sky with the tri-colors of the French flag.

Amongst the 10,000-odd individuals who will serve as torchbearers this year, Gane will take his position during the 24th stage of the relay, which will conclude on July 26 when the Olympic Games commences.

Post Edited By:Shraman Mitra

About the author

Kishore R

Kishore R


Kishore is a UFC writer at The SportsRush. It was a YouTube video of 1989’s Fight of the Year bout between Roberto Duran and Iran Barkley that got him hooked on the thrill of the gladiator sport. Later that insatiable thirst and yearning for controlled violence got him to the defunct PRIDE FC, which was the king of MMA promotions till the Ultimate Fighting Championship broke into the scene. Along with his undying passion for the sport and his experience as a writer, penning more than a thousand articles, Kishore is amalgamating his technical understanding of the sport with his stellar storytelling prowess. From Fedor’s unrivaled reign to the newest crowning of Alex Pereira, he has been religiously following the sport and wishes to see Tony Ferguson bounce back and showcase his old swagger - “IT’S TONY TIME!”

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