Fade is currently one of the top-tier Initiators in the game. A lot of players use her in competitive queues as well as in professional play. This Valorant guide will take a look at the best way to utilize Fade effectively.
The Initiators in the game are some of the most overpowered characters in the game. Fade, Kayo, and Gekko are some of the best Agents in the game and have lots of utility that can help turn the tide of the battle. There are many tricks you can do with Fade in the game.
To utilize her the best, you would need to play with the Agents that can capitalize on her utility like Jett or Raze, or as a matter of fact, any other Duelist. That being said, let us take a look at how you can utilize Fade to the best in this Valorant guide.
- Valorant Fade Guide: Abilities, Strategies, Tips, and Tricks
- Abilities
- Attacker Side Strategies
- Defender Side Strategies
- Tips and Tricks
Valorant Fade Guide: Abilities, Strategies, Tips, and Tricks
Fade was one of the best Initiators when she first came out. After a couple of nerfs, she is a shadow of her former self. That does not mean she is unusable. There are still good team compositions that will allow you to unleash her true potential.
The best way to know an Agent is to get a deep grasp of their abilities in the game. Fade’s true potential lies in getting information about the whereabouts of the enemy, applying debuffs, and letting the Duelists do the work and trade them when possible. Let us look at here abilities in detail to get an idea.
Q: Seize
Equip an orb of nightmare ink. FIRE to throw the orb which will plummet to the ground after a set amount of time. Upon hitting the ground, the ink will explode and create a zone in which enemies who are caught in it cannot escape the zone by normal means. RE-USE the ability to drop the projectile early in-flight.
E: Haunt
Equip a nightmarish entity. FIRE to throw the orb which will plummet to the ground after a set amount of time. Upon hitting the ground, the orb will turn into a nightmarish entity that will reveal the location of enemies caught in its line of sight. Enemies can destroy this entity. RE-USE the ability to drop the projectile early in-flight.
C: Prowler
EQUIP a Prowler. FIRE will send the Prowler out, causing it to travel in a straight line. The Prowler will lock onto any enemies or trails in their frontal vision cone and chase them, nearsighting them if it reaches them. HOLD the FIRE button to steer the Prowler in the direction of your crosshair.
X: Nightfall
EQUIP the power of Fear. FIRE to send out a wave of nightmare energy that can traverse through walls. The energy creates a trail to the opponent as well as deafens and decays them.
Attacker Side Strategies
Fade is a superb agent on the attacker side due to her information-gathering capabilities. In addition to that, her utility combines really well with the entry potential of either Jett or Raze. Plus there are a lot of Agent utility combos you can use to really punch through the enemy lines. Particularly the Sieze ability.
You can use the Seize ability and combo it with the Brimstone Ultimate, the Raze Grenade, the Kayo Grenade, and plenty of other explosive abilities to deal lethal damage to opponents. Her Prowlers are primarily used to draw out enemy fire so you can pinpoint their location. If you rotating from a site, ensure that you use the Prowlers first to reclear those areas.
As for the Fade Haunt, learn a lot of lineups that majorly reveal the whole site because they will be useful 90% of the time unless enemies are dodging the eye or hiding behind some cubby. There are multiple team compositions that will allow you to utilize her properly but we recommend going with Fade, Raze, Brimstone, Killjoy, and Skye.
This team will let you map control with Killjoy, explosive entry with Raze, information with Skye and Fade, and safe passage onto a site with Brimstone. Try it out and tweak around based on the players you have.
Defender Side Strategies
Your job as a Defender of Fade is simple. You have to gather early information and ensure that you have an idea of what site the enemy might hit. To do that, your utility and some mechanical skill are going to be your best bet. We recommend that you learn jump-spotting because it is one of the most effective moves to gather information and break the enemy’s crosshair placement.
Now, after jump-spotting an angle, if you are not sure of an enemy’s position, clear it out with a Prowler. The Fade Haunt is going to be your best bet during site hits to confuse enemies and cause panic. It is also going to be a fantastic utility piece for a retake. If you are overwhelmed on a site, fall back and play retake with your team.
If you want to hold the line and not give enemies the site, you can use the Sieze and combine it with another utility to destroy enemy pushes. In essence, staying alive and gathering early information is going to be your job as a Fade.
Tips and Tricks
There are certain tips and tricks Fade players need to be aware of if they want to utilize her to the max. Let us look at some of them below.
- Use your Prowlers as bait when entering enemy sites. If your enemy is hiding behind a cubby, using your Prowler will not only draw them out but it will cause them to be distracted which will allow you to get an easy kill.
- Learn Lineups for the Haunt skill that will allow you to scan multiple areas in one throw. The Haunt is Fade’s signature ability. To ensure you utilize it to the best of your abilities, learn lineups that will scan multiple areas so you do not get caught off-guard by a lack of information.
- The Seize is your friend. If you know an enemy always plays in a certain spot during rounds you can use it to obtain easy kills because the ability will not only weaken the enemy but also not be able to hear utility.
- Save the Prowlers after you use the Ultimate. When you scan enemies using the Ultimate, the Prowler will lead you to them. Once the Tether forms revealing the enemy’s position, throw a Prowler in the general direction of the Tether to get an accurate location of the enemy and take them out.
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