Jett is by far the most picked Agent and Duelist in both professional and public matches due to her versatility. This guide will teach you how you can utilize some tips and tricks to be the best Jett in your Valorant lobby.
Jett’s versatility is unmatched. She can spearhead attacks and stop enemies dead in their tracks on defense. However, there are certain things you must remember while playing as Jett to fully utilize her capability.
She is one of the best agents in the game and by far the best Duelist due to her kit. This Agent guide will ensure that you are using her kit to the fullest and being aggressive the right way in the game. Let us get into it.
- How to Play Jett in Valorant: Tips and Tricks You Need to Know
- Abilities
- Attacker Side Strategies
- Defensive Side Strategies
- Tips and Tricks
How to Play Jett in Valorant: Tips and Tricks You Need to Know
Jett requires a unique playstyle to take advantage of. In fact, every duelist has to have an unpredictable approach in their gameplay to be most effective. Her kit is designed to let her play for kills without losing the numbers advantage. You will know once you see the abilities.
The best way to utilize her is to combo her abilities in such a way that it provides you advantages in certain situations and sets you up in off angles where enemies do not expect you. There are a lot of professional players you can watch and learn from who play Jett. Among them, you can check out Saif “Sayf” Jibraeel, Erick “aspas” Santos, and Nikita “Derke” Sirmitev.

(Q): Updraft
INSTANTLY propel Jett high into the air.
(E): Tailwind
ACTIVATE to prepare a gust of wind for a limited time. RE-USE the wind to propel Jett in the direction she is moving. If Jett is standing still, she propels forward.
(C): Cloudburst
INSTANTLY throw a projectile that expands into a brief vision-blocking cloud on impact with a surface. HOLD the ability key to curve the smoke in the direction of your crosshair.
(X): Blade Storm
EQUIP a set of highly accurate knives that recharge on killing an opponent. FIRE to throw a single knife at your target. ALTERNATE FIRE to throw all remaining daggers at your target.
(The Agent’s Abilities are as per the Developer Riot Games and have been unedited)
Strategies for Attacker Side
Jett thrives on the attacker’s side. The aim is to cause chaos and create as much space as possible for your team when you Dash onto the site. Remember, your Tailwind and Cloudburst smokes are the most important tool in your arsenal.
You can use those smokes to smoke off common angles or the place where you will dash onto the site. When you do, put another smoke down to cover yourself and cause paranoia in your enemies. Because all eyes will be on the smoke, your teammates can safely enter the site and kill the enemies, or you can trade them.
This is the most common strategy professional players use to enter as Jett. Alternatively, you can combine the Updraft and Dash abilities together to float onto boxes to break the crosshair placement of your enemies. Utilize your Bladestorm on Eco rounds to do the most damage or possibly win the round.
For most plants, do not be afraid to take more space, get set up in off angles, or fight to delay them using your smokes. The key is to get creative when playing her.
Strategies for Defender Side
The objective for Jett players on the defensive side is simple. Take early contact and gather information about the whereabouts of the enemies. Peek common angles in different ways to get kills and escape with your Tailwind so that the enemies do not trade you.
Use the Operator. It is vital for a Jett player to utilize the Operator whenever they are on defensive rounds. Sure you have one bullet but it is easy to get away and survive even if you miss a shot. Take aggressive angles and make sure to play on different sections of the map every round so enemies are caught off-guard.
Tips and Tricks
Here are a few tips and tricks you can use as a Jett player to get better at the game with her. Remember, Jett is a simple agent to play, but there are tons of combinations you can try out with her.
- Make sure you communicate with your team when attacking. Ask for flashes or any other utility that will give you an edge in battle.
- Practice your Knives. Your Blade Storm can be a lethal tool. If you constantly practice with it, you are bound to make Eco rounds lethal for your team. Those blades do 50 damage per body shot, so make it count.
- Make sure to prepare your dash before you take an aggressive peak. Peaking dry can cause you to die immediately and your teammates might not necessarily be able to trade you.
- Use yourself as bait. Activate your dash, peek around and corner, and retreat. The enemy might think the danger has passed but your teammate will now be in your place to take the kill on the startled enemy.
- Make sure to jump, wide swing, updraft, dash, and use whatever tool you have to make yourself a hard target to hit when the Blade Storm is active. It is easy to get kills on an enemy who stands still.
Those are all the tips you need to know about Jett to play her well in Valorant. For more Valorant content, click here.