KAY/O is one of the best Initiators in the game due to his suppression and flashing abilities. He might be the easiest to play but the hardest to master. This guide will help you see how KAY/O is the best Agent in Valorant.
KAY/O is from an Alternate Universe in Valorant where Reyna has gone wild and massacred everything. He was built as a way to counter all the Radiants, which is why he is one of the best in the game. No other Agents in the game at the time of writing can suppress enemies.
That is why, he can be the best tool to utilize if one is playing against Agents who heavily depend on their utilities to take space or get kills i.e. Raze, Jett, Viper, and more. Let us see how you can utilize him to the fullest and make your enemies think twice.
- KAY/O Valorant Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies
- Abilities
- Attacker Side Strategies
- Defender Side Strategies
- Tips and Tricks
KAY/O Valorant Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies
KAY/O’s pick rate has gone haywire ever since his release. It has always seen movement. First, he was not picked over other Initiators in the early stages of the game but now that overpowered agents like Gekko, the pre-nerf Chamber, and Jett have risen into the meta, he is being picked up again.
However, there are strategies to use his abilities. You cannot just throw his Knife that suppresses Radiants on a whim anymore just to gain information. There are many more crucial things to do with all of that firepower instead. Let us look at his abilities and break them down to see how much potential he truly has in the game.

EQUIP a flash grenade. FIRE to throw. The flash grenade explodes after a short fuse, blinding anyone in the line of sight.
EQUIP a suppression blade. FIRE to throw. The blade sticks to the first surface it hits, winds up, and suppresses anyone in the radius of the explosion.
EQUIP an explosive fragment. FIRE to throw. The fragment sticks to the floor and explodes multiple times, dealing near-lethal damage at the center with each explosion.
INSTANTLY overload with polarized radianite energy that empowers KAY/O and causes large energy pulses to emit from his location. Enemies hit with these pulses are suppressed for a short duration.
(Agent’s abilities are as per Riot Games and have not been edited)
Attacker Side Strategies
KAY/O is one of the most effective agents on the attacker side due to his abilities and how well they can assist the team in taking control of an area. Step by step is knife, flash, and entry. The knife is meant to suppress the enemies so they cannot use their utility to deny you entry. Flash for your team; either underhand or overhand, then take space.
It is important that you trade your teammates when they die because it is important to maintain a number’s advantage. In addition, the Frag grenade can be used to clear cubbies and pesky angles so the enemies do not suddenly pop out and get a kill on you before dying. Learn different Flashbang lineups. Overhand flashes are not easy to dodge since they flash for a little longer.
Use underhand Flashes for close corners. However, if you providing entry to your duelists, always opt for the overhand flash. You can look up the video above if you want to learn how to play KAY/O in detail. When you have the Ultimate, you should be the first person to enter on-site because your teammates can always pick you up after they kill off the stragglers on-site.
You can also use your Frag grenade as a molly after the plant to delay the defuse. But we recommend learning a line-up for KAY/O if you want to take it to the next level.
Defender Side Strategies

You have multiple things to do with KAY/O on defense, but two of the most important ones are to delay the enemies execution on-site and use your utility to support your teammates. Now, there are many ways you can do that. Most people use their Suppression Knife right off the bat, wait for a while and gather some information.
Hold off until you are absolutely sure about the enemies hitting your site. When you hear utility popping off, use your knife. It will not only delay the enemies but also give your teammates time to reposition. The Frag Grenade is also an excellent tool for delaying your opponents since it damages over time and chips away a healthy bit of the enemy’s HP.
As we recommend earlier, use your Overhand flashes if you are close to the site to aid your teammates. For the retake, lead with your knife and the Ultimate. Even if you go down, it is not a lost cause since the enemies will be suppressed and unable to use their utility.
Tips and Tricks
You can utilize some tips and tricks to better use KAY/O in attack and defense. Here are some of the best ones:
- Learn Lineups. Lineups are an excellent utilization of KAY/O’s kit. In fact, everything in KAY/O’s kit can have a lineup except the ultimate. Post plant lineups for the Frag Grenade, Suppression knife lineups for specific sections of the site, and site-hit lineups for the Flashbangs. Learn how the maps work and then learn lineups from Youtube.
- Entry first with your Ultimate. KAY/O’s Ultimate makes him an important asset in site hits, and unless your enemy has Tier 1 aim, they cannot the onslaught of your teammates pushing with you on-site. Plus you can get back up even if you are knocked down.
- The Frag grenade is really effective if you can weaken the enemy. The Fade tether or the Viper Snake bite is a great combination to use with the Frag grenade. Try doing those in tandem to quadruple your damage and get free kills.
- The Knife or the Ultimate can cancel out enemy Ultimates immediately. If you believe a Jett, Raze, or Chamber might be close, then immediately throw up the suppression utility, and you will catch the enemies wide open.
Those are all the tips you should be aware of when playing KAY/O in the game. For more Valorant content, click here.