Raze is one of the most played agents in the game due to her explosive offense. However, there are many things you can do with her besides blowing people up. This Raze guide will be the best tool you can use to start practicing her in Valorant.
Raze is one of the best Agents on attack. However, she can only surprise the opponents as long as the player is unpredictable. That is why, the strategy for every round should be different. She requires a lot of team coordination to play as your initiators will be a huge part of your offense.
A lot of people tend to use her satchels to just jump onto the site. But there is a lot more utility in her abilities than just movement. This Raze guide will cover everything you need to know about the agent in the game.
- How to Play Raze in Valorant: Abilities, Tips, and Tricks
- Abilities
- Attacker Side Strategies
- Defender Side Strategies
- Tips and Tricks
How to Play Raze in Valorant: Abilities, Tips, and Tricks

Raze can thrive in the chaos. That is why, lurking with her does not sound like a good plan because her utility is meant to stall, delay and distract. She can pull rotations just by herself on a site. That is why if you are planning on a fake, Raze is one of the best duelists to use.
However, there are easy counters to her if you do not have your own initiators in the mix. She can be flashed, stunned, concussed, detected, and more if you blindly rush in. That is why, there has to be teamwork while playing the duelist. Let us see what her abilities are to get a better idea of it all.
(Q): Blastpack
INSTANTLY throw a Blast Pack that will stick to surfaces. RE-USE the ability after deployment to detonate, damaging and moving anything hit. Raze isn’t damaged by this ability, but will still take fall damage if launched up far enough.
(E): Paint Shells
EQUIP a cluster grenade. FIRE to throw the grenade, which does damage and creates sub-munitions, each doing damage to anyone in their range.
(C): Boom Bot
EQUIP a Boom Bot. FIRE will deploy the bot, causing it to travel in a straight line on the ground, bouncing off walls. The Boom Bot will lock on to any enemies in its frontal cone and chase them, exploding for heavy damage if it reaches them.
(X): Showstopper
EQUIP a rocket launcher. FIRE shoots a rocket that does massive area damage on contact with anything.
Attacker Side Strategies
Now that you have an idea about here abilities let us take a look at how you can use them to capture a site. First, the Boom Bot can be used to clear common angles and although it has been nerfed quite a lot, it can provide you with good information on angles before hitting a site.
Next, the Paint Shells can be a huge damage dealer if you know where enemies can peek from. Nade those spots before satchel-ling out onto the site. Ensure that you communicate with your initiators and tell them to lay down some utility for you.
Using satchels for movement will be quite difficult and that is something you will have to learn. Look to the ground when you fire your first satchel and ensure you are going forwards. Then while gaining momentum, immediately fire off the next satchel while looking down.
Use the Youtube video above to learn more about movement from Raze Satchels because they are going to be the pinnacle of your offense. However, you can do a variety of things with your satchels. Push enemies off of angles, delay spike defuses, and destroy enemy utility, it all depends on how creative you are with the solutions.
Defensive Side Strategies
Raze is a world-class duelist. That is why she shines on both attack and defense. The objective of the attack is space creation while on defense it is to be a nuisance and delay the enemy as much as possible. Gain map control by using your Boom Bot and relaying all the information to your teammates. However, ensure you do not get caught.
If you are an intermediate or an advanced player you can use your satchels to delay spike plants and push enemies off angles to break their crosshair placement. It will allow you to fluently take the fight and defeat your enemy. Make sure to use your Paint Shells when the enemies are entering to get damage and potentially kill your enemies.
There are multitudes of things you can do with your satchels. Climb on top of boxes for off angles, delay enemies, break crosshair placement, and so on. Your Showstopper is going to be a trump card when retaking so ensure that you save it till the retake happens.
Tips and Tricks
There are tons of tips and tricks advanced Raze players utilize to dominate the servers. However, you need to be aware of certain mechanics to do that. Despite that, there are certain tips even beginners can utilize to better their Raze gameplay. Here they are:
- Clear your Corners using the Satchels and Boom Bot. If you are unsure about an enemy lurking up somewhere, use your utility to clear that. It is better than dying.
- Peek off of your Boombot and Paint Shells. You can use these two utilities to distract your opponents and then peek off of that.
- Learn Satchel Peeking. A lot of professional players put the satchel on the wall beside them and line themselves up in such a way that it allows them to Ferrari peek at a certain angle. You can find out more about this by searching ‘Raze Satchel Peeking’ on youtube.
- Utilize Shotguns. Shotguns like the Judge or the Bucky on attack and defense can be lethal in the hands of Raze due to her potential with her satchels. That is why, a good Raze player should learn to practice with Shotguns as much as ARs because it will be really useful in Eco Rounds.
Those are all the tips you need to know about Raze in Valorant. For more Valorant content like this, click here.