Viper is best suited for lurker players because of her utility. That is why she is one of the best Controller agents in the game. This guide will take a look at why her utility is so important and what makes Viper the best lurk agent in Valorant.
There are 5 controller options in the game currently to consider for the community. The most prominent out of all these is Viper due to her ability to sneak into enemy lines using her utility. But she can be a good team player as well.
This guide will analyze every single thing you can do with her including learning how to lurk and using her utility to help your teammates. We will also look at some tips and tricks you can adapt to utilize her fully. Let us get into it.
- Viper Valorant Guide: How to Play Viper in The Game
- Abilities
- Attacker Side Strategies
- Defender Side Strategies
- Tips and Tricks
Viper Valorant Guide: How to Play Viper in The Game
Viper is one of the best agents in the game without a doubt. Her utility can sneakily lead your team into the site if the enemy does not peek at the wall or use their utility to get information. In addition, the Orb and the Snake Bites are essential for setting up a post-plant.
However, you need to ensure that you do not deploy them prematurely. Although to understand why Viper is so effective, you will need to see understand how her abilities work and the things you need to do on both attack and defense. Let us break it down.
Q: Poison Cloud
EQUIP a gas emitter. FIRE to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. RE-USE the ability to create a toxic gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.
E: Toxic Screen
EQUIP a gas emitter launcher. FIRE to deploy a long line of gas emitters. RE-USE the ability to create a tall wall of toxic gas at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once.
C: Snake Bite
EQUIP a chemical launcher. FIRE to launch a canister that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering chemical zone that damages and slows enemies.
X: Viper’s Pit
EQUIP a chemical sprayer. FIRE to spray a chemical cloud in all directions around Viper, creating a large cloud that reduces the vision range and maximum health of players inside of it.
(Agent’s abilities are as per Riot Games and have not been edited)
Attacker Side Strategies
Viper has lots of applications for both attack and defense. Although, her usability depends on the player. The better you are at catching lurk timings, the better you will be at taking space for your team. You can improve your timings only by trial and error, playing the game more and understanding the enemy cues, and getting in their heads.
A cue could be to tell your team to fake a site hit and make heavy noise. While that happens and the enemy rotates, you can freely take space with your Viper Wall and Orb. Until the enemies realize it’s a fake you would have planted and set up a post plant.
Learn lineups. In addition, you have to also learn how to combine the Snake Bite with the Poison Cloud because that can be a lethal combination. It will not only delay the defenders from defusing but also do heavy damage to the person caught in it. Plus your teammates will also keep on spamming the spot so it won’t be a problem.
The main thing you have to do is communicate with the team because your utility is useless if your teammates cannot utilize them. That is why, you must remember to comm when the wall or orb is going down.
Defender Side Strategies

Viper is a menace on defense if you know how to play her right. Her utility delays a lot of sit hits and her mollies weaken enemies to the point where it is easy to get spam kills. However, there are certain things you need to utilize to play her well on defense.
If you have a crispy aim and are expecting a site hit, you can quickly reposition and play inside your Smoke Orb. Get a kill and try to retreat back. Otherwise, stay inside the orb and reposition after it drops. Take control of the site by using the Snake Bite on entry points to separate the duelists from their team. Your Toxic Screen is going to be the most useful tool to deny large areas of space.
The most important tool in your arsenal is the Viper’s Pit. It can completely lock down a site and stop enemies from taking space. That is why you need to use it either at the start of the round or when you are a man down and want to lock down an area.
When you are inside the Pit you do not need to worry about your fuel running out so when you know you are going to use the Viper’s Pit, place the other utility on other sites so you can take as much space as possible.
Tips and Tricks
Here are some tips on Viper concerning the attack and defense side that you absolutely must know no matter what. Let us look at them below.
- Use a Judge or any Shotgun inside the Viper’s Pit. When you know you will have a Viper’s Pit, buy a Shotgun. It will not only save you ammo, but in most cases, if your aim lands well, it will one-shot your enemies given enough time. It can be a lethal combination and an absolute necessity to have. You can always swap out after you kill an enemy.
- Do the Swoop Peek. Swoop peek is when you drop down the Viper Orb, go inside it, and pick it up, it drops the smoke instantly and catches the enemy off guard. It might get you killed in most instances if you peek in high-traffic areas but you will get at least one.
- Pick your Orb up again if you are rotating to another site. This happens a lot. The enemies plant the bomb on the other site and the Viper instantly rushes there. Take a little time and pick your Orb. It can be a temporary cover when retaking a site.
- Learn lineups. As we highlighted earlier, Viper is an agent that thrives on line-ups. That is why, learning lineups and dominating with them is something that everyone has to learn. Learn at least one line-up for one site and then move on to learning multiple.
Those are all the things you need to know about Viper in Valorant. For more Valorant content like this, click here.