Team Deathmatch is the most recent game mode Riot came out with for their tactical FPS Valorant. It was released in Episode 7 Act I and has become the player base’s favorite mode by far.
It has been a while since Valorant came out with a new game mode. The last one was Swiftplay which came out in Patch 5.12. Now that we have the Call of Duty-esque Team Deathmatch in the game and a new Agent Deadlock, pick rates for aggressive agents will be higher. Let us make a concrete list of all the best agents for the mode.
Please note that this list is not chronological. For example, if Agent 1 is placed higher than Agent 2, then that does not mean Agent 1 is better and vice versa. Now, let us get into the list to figure out who the best Agent to play is in the game.
Top 10 Agents to Play in the New Team Deathmatch Mode in Valorant
Team Deathmatch has reignited the passion for FPS among Valorant fans. The game mode is innovative, and the maps are intuitive enough for both long and short-range gunfights. The weapon phases are some of the most fun and intuitive aspects of the mode and make Valorant stand out from other games.
That being said, you still have to pick Agents for your TDM lineup. As a general rule of thumb, EVERY Duelist is going to be a viable pick due to their kit and the aggressiveness of the mode itself. That is why, if possible, always go with a Duelist. However, if you do not have that option, we still have some viable Agents that can bring value to the team.
10. Breach

Since all three maps are relatively short, Breach can be your guy for those close-range gunfights. His flashes will help in taking out enemy clusters. The signature stun ability recharges relatively faster, so you can take duels with it or stun near an area where you think the enemy is close for quick and easy kills.
The Ultimate recharges slowly for every Agent, but it can get you easy multi-kills when used correctly. The Aftershock ability is effective for clearing corners and dealing with pesky campers. Combine this agent with a Duelist like Jett, and you have a party.
9. Skye

Just like Breach, Skye can be a lot of help for your team if used well. The Agent has everything a TDM toolkit requires. A Flash, a Heal, a Trailblazer ability that can stun enemies, and an Ultimate that near sights. Skye can be lethal when paired up with an aggressive Duelist like Jett or Phoenix. You can use the Flash and the Trailblazer ability to gather information and then send your Duelists out to kill.
The Heal will be even more effective considering how small the map is so if you are thinking of grouping up with your team, this agent is the way to go.
8. Chamber

Chamber might seem out of the meta in the current times, but he is a decent Agent in TDM. His Headhunter ability is perfect during the Pistol Phases of the match, while the Teleport ability is viable to get out of enemy gunfire. The Tour De Force is an excellent tool to stay in the backlines and Snipe people out.
In essence, Chamber’s role as a Sniper is fulfilled with this mode since he can stay back and pick enemies off one by one without being overly pressured by any utility. That is what makes him one of the best picks in the game mode.
7. Gekko

The newest Initiator in Valorant, Gekko, has many uses in TDM if played correctly. The Dizzy ability is strong and provides good value if used to peek off it. The Ultimate ability, Thrash, if appropriately used, can get multiple enemies in a single divebomb, and Wingman can stun enemies around corners and works just like a Raze Boombot.
The Mosh Pit ability is excellent for crowd control. All of these abilities might seem situational but are effective if you know how to play this agent. Just like any other Initiator, it is best if you play him with a Duelist so you can provide assistance to them or trade just in case they are killed.
6. Yoru

Now, we move on to the Duelists, starting with Yoru. He is a lot less viable in this mode because players can generally tell where you are going to teleport, which can let them kill you quickly. However, if you can find a way to teleport correctly, then this Agent is lethal. He can sneak you into the enemy spawn for free kills.
In addition, his flashes are great for teamplay, and the Ultimate can let you reposition behind an enemy to take advantage of the chaos. You can always play defensive by placing your teleport in your own spawn while pushing ahead to get back if you are overwhelmed.
5. Reyna

We can safely say that Reyna is much more viable in Team Deathmatch than in other modes. Reyna can walk out of any gunfight unharmed if played right. Due to the short corners and cubbies of the maps, you can take a fight and then Dismiss out to live another day. Alternatively, if you are low on health you can use the Devour ability to regain health.
In addition, if you throw her Leer high enough it can blind quite a distance away, which can help in getting kills on confused enemies. Her Ultimate can be devastating if you are an excellent aimer and can keep taking advantage of the Dismiss by taking smart gunfights.
4. Neon

Neon was also viable in competitive play and is in this game mode. Her ability to break the crosshair placement of enemies will be her most significant advantage in this game mode. Plus, the Dash recharges after every kill, so you can be a menace moving around with her. Her Stun abilities are great for pushing corners, and her Overdrive makes her a killing machine if used well.
Plus, her Walls can push enemy spawns or other populated areas unsuspectingly. The reason why she is one of the best Agents for this game mode is because of how well her abilities combine together.
3. Jett

Jett is one of the leading Duelists in Valorant, and for good reason. Her abilities combine well, and they help keep her alive, even in Team Deathmatch. The Updraft and Dash abilities help in avoiding enemy gunfire. You can also be aggressive with the Dash abilities or sneak into enemy spawn with the Cloudburst abilities.
Her Blade Storm can be dangerous in a good aimer’s hands and a nuisance for the enemy. Combine her with any Initiator; you have the ultimate combo to face enemies. All in all, one of the best Duelists in Valorant is also quite viable in Team Deathmatch.
2. Phoenix

The fiery Agent from Britain is one of the most underplayed Agents in the game but is super viable in the Team Deathmatch mode. His abilities are perfect for the small map size and the style of gameplay this mode requires. The Hot Hands ability can be used offensively to damage enemies or defensively to heal yourself.
The Curveball flashes are superior to others due to the abundance of small cubbies and corners, while the firewall can help cross over into the enemy spawn. However, the most important ability is the Run it Back. It can allow you to quickly rack up multiple kills without sacrificing your own life.
Team Deathmatch is the perfect mode to use Phoenix because his kit is built for aggression and offensive plays.
1. Raze

Raze is the ultimate agent for Team Deathmatch due to the Area of Effect damage her kit can do. The Blast Packs can be used aggressively to take angles high up, while the Paint Shells do lethal damage to enemies clumped together. In addition, the Paint Shells charge faster, so you can have no problem lobbing grenades to where you think enemies might come from.
In addition, her Boombot is effective for two things. You can use it as a distraction to swing your opponents; the second is clearing corners and cubbies. The other benefit of picking Raze is her Ultimate ability, which combines well with Initiator flashes and stuns.
For example, a Breach Flash can help you set up for the Showstopper and get you easily multi-kills with the right placement. Thus, Raze is one of the best Agents you can pick due to her explosive kit.
Those are all the Agents you should prioritize picking in the Valorant Team Deathmatch mode. If you liked this Valorant guide perhaps you’d like some of our others. Click here to check them out.