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Ferrari Spoils Its Drivers With $300,000 Magnificent Cars to Manage Their Days in Barcelona

Mahim Suhalka

Ferrari Spoils Its Drivers With $300,000 Magnificent Cars to Manage Their Days in Barcelona

More than just an F1 team now, Ferrari is a world-renowned brand. Owning the luxury sports cars that the Italian outfit manufactures is a dream for many. This is also one of the many ways the Scuderia Ferrari drivers are living the dream. Apart from sporting the prestigious and reputed red suit, Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz also get to drive around in the top-of-the-line cars from the Italian carmakers. Their casual strolls in Barcelona highlighted this scenario once again.

F1 photographer Kym Illman gave an insight into the Ferrari men’s rides for the weekend in Spain. The two Scuderia drivers arrived at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya in Ferrari’s flagship Roma Spyders. He revealed in his YouTube video, the Spaniard arrived at the track in a red Spyder – Spyder denoting it’s a soft top.

His teammate Charles Leclerc also arrived in the same make but with a different paint job. The Monegasque was given the blue-colored Roma for his conveyance needs for the Spanish GP weekend. It’s unclear if it’s the blue finish resembles the Miami GP Azzurro La Plata or Azzurro Dino colors.

The Ferrari men always arrive in style on race weekends and for Barcelona, it was the Roma. The stylish Ferrari vehicles cost a whopping $272,970 for the base model, and with additional specs, it can easily touch or exceed $300,000.

The expensive cars are top of the line with a spine-tingling high-revving 3.9-liter Twin-turbo V8 under the hood. It can also go from 0-60 mph in 3.3 seconds with a top speed of 200 mph. Exactly why it’s so painful to see the blue Spyder of Leclerc tainted.

What happened to Charles Leclerc’s Ferrari Roma Sypder?

In his video, Illman also highlighted a couple of long black marks on the rearview mirror of the Leclerc’s ride for the weekend. On top of the cover of the mirror, there appeared to be two strikes, made possibly by a marker pen. The F1 photographer had a theory on how the marks could’ve appeared on the expensive vehicle.

He said, This is his wing mirror. It has marker pen on it. Now, I’m going to hazard a guess here and suggest that a fan has caught them at the lights perhaps or when he’s stationary and asked for an autograph. And in doing so, perhaps they passed the pen through and marked that car. I don’t know how difficult that is to get off.”

In fact, curiosity got the best of the photographer as he tried rubbing it with his finger just to see if it would come off, but it didn’t! “The marks were entrenched on that paintwork of the Sypder.”, he said.

Post Edited By:Aishwary Gaonkar

About the author

Mahim Suhalka

Mahim Suhalka

Mahim Suhalka is an F1 journalist at the SportsRush. With an ever-growing love for the sport since 2019, he became a part of the industry two years ago and since then has written over 2200 pieces. A Lewis Hamilton fan through and through and with Hamilton's loyalties shifting to Ferrari, so will his. Apart from F1, he is a Football fanatic having played the sport and represented his state in various tournaments as he still stays in touch with the sport. Always a sports enthusiast Mahim is now translating his passion into words.

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