The teaching at Hogwarts mostly revolves around doing good and learning defense against the dark arts. But with Hogwarts Legacy, can you be evil and use unforgivable curses? In a recent interview, the developers confirm the answer to this question.
Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t judge players for the choices they make in the game. However, the spells people use determine whether they are good or evil.
Can you be evil in Hogwarts Legacy?
What kind of wizard you become largely depends on the choices players make in their journey. But being on the dark side is not frowned upon in Hogwarts Legacy.
In an interview with Gamesradar, Lead Designer Kelly Murphy, explains how morality works in the game. “It was important for us to give players who sought out to be a Dark Witch or Wizard an opportunity to do so. This is the ultimate embodiment of role-playing; allowing the player to be evil. Additionally, this was important because it comes from a place of non-judgment by the game creators. If you want to be evil, be evil.”
Dark magic and all three Unforgivable Curses are a part of Avalanche Software’s wizarding world. Using these in the game might deviate you from your path for a while, but will not affect your story a lot.
Can you use Unforgivable Curses?
“Characters will react visually and audibly to seeing the player cast an Unforgivable, but we don’t have a morality system that punishes them for doing so – this would be too judgemental on the game maker’s part,” Murphy said in the interview.
“But, should the player continue these actions, the world will reflect back knowledge of them.”
It is only your choices in the game that define what you become. However, it should be noted that fans of the game can use the unforgivable curses endlessly in Dark Arts Battle Arena. People can access the arena after they have pre-ordered the Deluxe edition of the game.
Also Read: Is using Avada Kedavra allowed in Hogwarts Legacy?