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Kids Scare Micah Parsons Into Restamping Super Bowl Mission

Ayush Juneja

Kids Scare Micah Parsons Into Restamping Super Bowl Want

Micah Parsons isn’t worrying about a new deal just yet. Instead, he’s spending his offseason hosting a series of football camps across Texas for kids aged 6 to 16. Recently, he conducted his Lions Den Football Camp at Legacy Christian Academy Upper School in Frisco. However, during the camp, he had a hilarious back-and-forth with a kid who reminded the LB of last year’s playoff upset.

While taking a group picture, a kid mentioned he had attended one of Micah’s games. When asked which one, the young fan said it was the disastrous Green Bay game. The star pass rusher then humorously asked the kid to delete that memory of the game, just as he had.

Upon seeing the conversation on X (formerly Twitter), the 2021 Defensive Rookie of the Year chimed in again, asserting that he now has to win the Super Bowl to erase that unpleasant memory from everyone’s minds.

“super bowl or nothing!! Can’t have kids remembering this.”

In the comments, most fans also expressed their desire to forget the painful memory of losing to the Packers. However, having spent thousands to watch the game, it’s already etched in their minds.

They firmly believe that only a Super Bowl win can erase that loss. A few, though, joked that kids have a knack for speaking the truth and that the young fan really got to Micah. See for yourselves:

Another chimed in and wrote,

A fan quipped,

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That being said, while Micah is a formidable presence on the field, have you ever wondered if there’s someone he couldn’t quite outmatch on the gridiron?

One Man Micah Parsons Could Not Possibly Overcome

Parsons is one of the most dynamic pass rushers in the league and has already clinched three Pro Bowl nods and two All-Pro honors in his first three seasons. Yet, there is a man against whom he doesn’t stand a chance in a pass rusher-offensive lineman battle. It is none other than the 49ers Left Tackle Trent Williams.

According to the Niners Wire, Parsons boasts an impressive 40.5 sacks in just 50 games, while Williams has allowed only 11 sacks in 178 career games so far. Although Micah often lines up around both tackles, he hasn’t had much success against Trent Williams.

In three games against the 49ers, he has recorded 17 tackles, one tackle for loss, 13 pressures, one quarterback hit, and zero sacks. This was evident last season when the 49ers’ offense ran circles around the Dallas defense, leaving Micah visibly frustrated and ineffective, hopping around like a toothless lion.

During those games, Williams hasn’t allowed a sack or QB hit and has permitted only three QB pressures. This underscores Williams’ excellence and his crucial role in the San Francisco squad.

If the Cowboys do wish to break their Super Bowl drought, Micah, their defensive leader, has to step up in big games. With a contract extension coming up next year, he has to prove that he deserves the money he is asking for.

During his three seasons in Dallas, the team has only one playoff victory, and Parsons has registered just one sack in four postseason games. These are not the statistics expected from a player aspiring to become the highest-paid non-QB in the league.

About the author

Ayush Juneja

Ayush Juneja


Ayush Juneja is an NFL Journalist at the SportsRush. New to Gridiron, he has been following the sport for past 9 months and has authored over 400 articles so far. As a sports enthusiast and a true adrenaline junkie, he finds the physical side of sports to be more thrilling and engaging. A big fan of Liverpool F.C., he now roots for another red team in San Francisco 49ers and would love to see a match at Levi's Stadium and Michigan Stadium. American culture and politics fascinates him and would love to experience it first hand.

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