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Play Among Us like Toast: Learn the best Crewmate & Imposter Skills.

Arnab Mukherjee

play among us like toast

Learn to play Among Us like Toast and leave your friends bamboozled with insane 1000 IQ plays that no one sees coming from our simple guide.

Unless you live under a rock, chances are you’ve heard about Among Us, the trendiest new game on the Internet. Forget about just hearing about it, if you’re checking out our article, you probably play it a lot as well. However, we know how irritating the game can sometimes get. Especially when the AI keeps making you a Crewmate and you keep getting mugged by an Imposter. So, inspired by Disguised Toast, one of the best at the game, here is a small guide to help you improve in leaps and bounds.

Don’t know Toast is? Check out his insane Among Us skills here.

Learning to Play Among Us like Toast: Basic Tips.

Our first tip sounds rather easy and obvious. But, it is the most basic of them all and quite difficult to master. It is to be very observant. Whether a Crewmate or an Imposter, you will always want to keep a track of your fellow mates. By this, we mean their ins and outs to a chamber or section of the ship. For eg., if you saw Blue and Pink together the last time you crossed them, and now Pink is dead, it probably means there’s something fishy with blue.

This brings us to our second tip. Once you figure out something fishy with one of your Crewmates, call a meeting right away. Quite often, people have a habit of waiting for the first kill, don’t do this! It may be too late by then! Also, once you’ve called the meeting, ask precise questions and look for an alibi. If a person’s alibi is shady, there’s probably something fishy about that too. Toast is a master interrogator and that’s what makes him so good.

Also, when the Crew no. starts to thin, try to stick as close to each other as you can. But not too close remember! That can make it easy for the killer to murder crewmates while confusing you in turn.

Learning to Play Among Us like Toast: Advanced Tips.

Now, let’s get to the real deal. First of all, as an Imposter, and we can’t stress this enough, complete tasks! Very often, the urge to kill in Imposters is so great, they forget to fake it till they make it. If a Crewmate sees you enter a task chamber and leave it without completing the task, you’re probably toast (no pun intended). So, keep doing tasks! Also, as a bonus, if you keep truly completing tasks in between kills, you will always have an actual alibi and won’t have to make up bad lies.

Secondly, as an Imposter, don’t kill at the first chance you get. Bide your time as well as look to play the 3rd imposter game. What this means is, if you stay with an actual Crewmate and complete tasks long enough, they’ll trust you completely and vouch for you. You want that to happen. It’s a big help later on when votes margins are slimmer and you’re a suspect. Check out Toast’s insane 3rd Imposter masterclass in this video below:

Lastly, avoid killing someone who just became alone. Your instinct may force you to pounce at the first opportunity. But remember the people who left him maybe around. Also, they’ll know where they left him and who was there. So, make sure that no one sees you at least a good amount of time before you decide to kill someone who is isolated. Otherwise, it’s always a better idea to kill near a crowd. It may sound stupid, but the confusion is your good friend. Moreover, you can pretend to be doing the same tasks the rest of the crew were!

Our Special Ghost Tips.

Quite underrated, but still just as important is your role when you die. As a Crewmate ghost, use your free movement and extra vision to finish tasks and help your crew out. But, make sure to not do tasks when Imposters are around. That’s because they can’t see you, but can see the tasks happen. So, later on, they can steal your task credit and claim in chat that it was them that did it.

As an Imposter ghost, you should try to carry out well-timed sabotages. A properly timed power cut or door close can save your Imposter buddy and not let them get caught! So, be alert and ready to make a heads-up play.

All in all, Among Us is a very intriguing game of great depth and plotting. It does take a lot of brainpower and practice, but outsmarting your opponent can make you feel like a genius. So, it’s totally worth it.

We also suggest you check out Disguised Toast, our inspiration’s YouTube channel to help you play Among Us like Toast even better. He’s one of the best in the game and his videos are fun watch!

Also Read: Among Us Player Count: Rising Numbers & the Secret new driving force behind them.

About the author

Arnab Mukherjee

Arnab Mukherjee


An English Literature as well as Esports enthusiast, Arnab is quite the dichotomy. He fell in love with both of his passions as a kid while playing FIFA 13 on his PC. The iconic commentary of Martin Tyler and Alan Smith instilled in him a life-long love for the language and for video games. Arnab has never looked back ever since. When not engaged in his primary passions, you can find him salivating over food or snapping frames from daily life.

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