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ValCoach’s Guide to Playing a Duelist in Valorant: Simple and Effective Tips to Entry!

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

A duelist’s job in Valorant is to create space for the team, take those first fights and emerge victorious. These players are aimers and know how to take space for their team. However, a duelist cannot thrive in the game until they maintain communication with their team and trade out their kills if someone dies. ValCoach, a popular Twitter account that provides coaching services gave the public a few important tips for playing Duelist. Here is what they have to say.

A No-Nonsense Guide to Playing a Duelist Role in Valorant

The first thing you need to know about being a duelist is to create space for your team so they can have control over areas. The more control you have over some areas of the map the more options you have. It does not matter if it’s attack or defense, creating space and getting control over an area is the first job a duelist has to undertake.

Communication is key if you want to ensure that you make space. Telling your initiators to flash for you and stun site is going to help out a lot. If you dash into the site and your enemy is blind it is a free kill. However, when you won’t communicate with your initiator about flashing then the enemy won’t be caught off guard. Therefore, maintaining stable communication with your team is really important in order to enter sites and kill site-holders.

Risk-taking is a part of FPS. If you do not take risks you won’t get rewards and round wins. If taking space and controlling a certain area costs your life and allows your team to get away then it is worth it. Just make sure taking these risks does not clash with the ability to frag or take space. Do not bring your ego into this, which is also coincidentally the next tip.

Dropping your ego and not taking repeated duels is the key to winning rounds. Sometimes going for your ace can lead to your team losing control of the site. That is why, ValCoach advises all of the duelists to maintain their composure and take calculated duels unless you’re Yay, then you can win any gunfight for sure.

Those are all the important things you need to keep in mind when playing a duelist in the game. For more Valorant content, click here and stay tuned at The SportsRush! Follow ValCoach on Twitter for more Valorant Tips!

About the author

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

Adnan Juzar Kachwala


Adnan Kachwala is a Gaming Journalist working as a Content Writer at The SportsRush. Adnan started covering Valorant when he watched Shroud dominate public matches with his aim. He wanted to write about Call of Duty ever since his first Nuclear in Black Ops II. He has an expertise in FPS games like Call of Duty and Valorant and has been covering them along with other games for more than two years. He has written more than 600 articles on both of those games along with other popular AAA titles. He has a Mass Media Degree with a Specialization in Journalism. Adnan has an expertise writing listicles related to Gaming and reviewing newer releases. When he is not making content, you can find him reading books, creating videos and watching Valorant Esports on Twitch.

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