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“We’re not going to have any problems, are we?” – WWE Superstar recalls first encounter with John Cena in WWE locker room

Archie Blade

WWE Superstar recalls first encounter with John Cena in WWE locker room

WWE Superstar recalls first encounter with John Cena in WWE locker room. A rumor sowed seeds of dissension between the two.

R-Truth is possibly one of the most beloved wrestlers. He is adored by both fans and his fellow wrestlers. However, he and John Cena almost got off on the wrong foot when he rejoined the WWE back in 2008. All because he fabricated a story about their encounter.

During a recent appearance on 97’s, R-Truth recalled running into Cena at the airport. He was working in TNA at the time, so their brief interaction caught the attention of fans. At the behest of former WCW star Konnan, R-Truth made it so that the two had an altercation with Cena backing away.

WWE Superstar recalls first encounter with John Cena in WWE locker room

“So, Konnan was the first guy to take me to Mexico, to wrestle and when this all happened. Cena was connecting on a flight to Charlotte and I was coming home. I was at TNA, he was at WWE. We crossed paths, we spoke and kept it moving.

People got pictures of it and going ‘oh R-Truth’s in the airport with John Cena,’ blah blah and when I got to work, everybody was asking me about it and Konnan was sitting beside me and was the second person who asked and asked what happened with me and Cena and I was like ‘bro, he passed me and I passed him and it was just like hey and bye.’

And people were walking away disappointed and Konnan said that this story was disappointing and we needed to add some more to it. We needed to add extra sauce to it. Look how people just walked away so disappointed and somebody else came up to me and went ‘hey, Truth what happened with you and Cena?’ and I said it was nothing but then Konnan said ‘yeah, but tell them about when you pushed him and he didn’t do nothing,’ and I said ‘bruh, I didn’t push him’ and Konnan said ‘oh, he doesn’t wanna tell you,’ and the guys was like ‘oh you pushed him?!’ and Konnan was like ‘exactly’ and then he said ‘see? He walked away happy.’”

Truth later left TNA to join WWE where he eventually met and spoke with Cena himself.

“So, it just happened that I got to to work with Umaga and he rushed in ahead of me and he runs ahead of me and goes and grabs a seat and half of them welcomed me back and the other half, because Cena’s in the bathroom, so it’s all set up for when Cena gets out of the bathroom.

So, when he walked out, we walked right into each other and we look right at each other and he just was like ‘we’re not going to have any problems, are we?’ and I said ‘bro, no man.’

That was all I said. I said ‘Konnan told him to add more to it,’ and we just hugged right there and everybody was like ‘oh nah man!’ but we hugged right there and we’ve been cool ever since.”

The two would go on to work with each other in the future. R-Truth challenged Cena for the WWE Championship at Capitol Punishment. He also teamed up with The Miz to fight Cena and The Rock at Survivor Series. R-Truth has gone on to call that match the pinnacle of his career.

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About the author

Archie Blade

Archie Blade


Archie is a WWE and UFC Editor/Author at the SportsRush. Like most combat sports enthusiasts, his passion for watching people fight began with WWE when he witnessed a young Brock Lesnar massacre Hulk Hogan back in 2002. This very passion soon branched out to boxing and mixed martial arts. Over the years he fell in love with the theatrics that preceded the bell and the poetic carnage that followed after. Each bruise a story to tell, each wound a song of struggle, his greatest desire is to be there to witness it all. His favorite wrestler is Shawn Michaels and he believes that GSP is the greatest to ever step foot inside the octagon. Apart from wrestling, he is also fond of poetry and music.

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