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Best Villagers to Trade With In Minecraft

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

An image featuring different types of Villagers from Minecraft

Villager Trading is a huge part of the vanilla version of Minecraft. It can get you lots of resources to advance in the game.

Trading is one of the best ways to get stuff you want in the game. Whenever you enter a village, make sure to look around and see what kind of jobs the Villagers have. Trade based on what you need. In addition, if you have extra items lying around related to a certain job block, you can exchange them for emeralds which can get you some rare items.

However, not every Villager is the same. You will have to prioritize certain ones over others. Every Villager’s job block is different, that is why, we will take a look at 12 of the best Villagers you should prioritize trading in the game.


  • Top 12 Villagers You Should Look for When Trading in Minecraft
  • 12. Butcher
  • 11. Shepherd
  • 10. Fisherman
  • 9. Armorer
  • 8. Cleric
  • 7. Stone Mason
  • 6. Cartographer
  • 5. Toolsmith
  • 4. Fletcher
  • 3. Farmer
  • 2. Librarian
  • 1. Weaponsmith

Top 12 Villagers You Should Look for When Trading in Minecraft

These 12 Villagers are arranged in a way that will provide the most valuable exchanges to the players no matter what they trade. Players should prioritize entering into trades with these Villagers as they will provide items that will prove useful in things like combat, building, farming, and much more.

You can also have an unemployed Villager take over a certain job block to give them a job that benefits you. To find out what job blocks you need to do for each Villager. Read on below.

(Note: This list solely reflects the writer’s view and should not be taken as a final list)

12. Butcher

Job Block: Smoker

A Butcher is one of the lesser-used Minecraft Villagers due to the fact that they only provide meat to the players. However, that meat can be really useful, especially because they can cook it and give it to you. The cooked meat is going to help your hunger points.

The only reason why the butcher is at such a low spot on this list is that you can start an animal farm of your own for an endless supply of meat. This makes the butcher moot in terms of usefulness.

11. Shepherd

Picture of a Shepherd
(Image via Mojang)

Job Block: Loom

You can find this Minecraft Villager operating with a Loom. A Shepherd is along the same lines as the butcher in terms of usefulness but you can farm a lot of emeralds from them if you have a sheep farm. For any color of wool, they will provide you with emeralds.

Although in exchange for emeralds, you can also buy colored wool from them, paintings, carpets, any colored bed, and banners. So they are pretty useful if you want to decorate your place.

10. Fisherman

Job Block: Barrel

Operating out of a Barrel, a fisherman can prove useful when you want anything related to fishing in the game. This Villager has items ranging from cooked fish such as cod and salmon to other useful items like an Enchanted Fishing Rod and emeralds, lots of them. You can exchange the fish that you catch for emeralds from these mods.

You can also exchange boats which we think is the highest value trade because it is just wood blocks for emeralds. Players can practically farm emeralds from this Villager which makes it better than the Wandering Trader or the Butcher.

9. Armorer

Picture of an Armorer
(Image via Mojang)

Job Block:  Blast Furnace

This Villager will craft you some precious protection required for combat. Armorers operate out of a Blast Furnace and can make all kinds of armor for players in need. All you need to give them in exchange is some emeralds and iron, depending on what kind of armor you are expecting.

These NPCs can make armor from iron and even diamond. They have products that range from chainmail armor to enchanted diamond armor, and shields. We recommend farming coal because it is easily farmable and you can lots of emeralds out of it which you can use to trade with this NPC for armor.

8. Cleric

Picture of a Cleric
(Image via Mojang)

Job Block: Brewing Stand

A Cleric is in charge of operating the brewing stand and ensuring that players can get worthwhile items from them. Depending on the trade level you have established with the cleric, you can get many rare items from them such as Lapis Lazuli, Ender Pearls, and Bottle o’ Enchanting. That is why, it might be worthwhile to get the trade level of these NPCs up.

They can usually be found next to churches with their job block. There are many things you can exchange with them for emeralds, most prominently, rotten flesh, rabbit’s foot, and gold ingots.

7. Stone Mason

Picture of a Stone Mason
(Image via Mojang)

Job Block: Stonecutter

Builders rejoice! A Stone Mason is someone you need if you want to beautify your buildings in the game. But this NPC is not just profitable due to the variety they offer on different blocks. This is the only NPC you can use to bulk trade lots of emeralds. In exchange for blocks like clay, granite, andesite, and more, they can offer you emeralds.

Since these blocks are easy to farm, you can bulk exchange them for emeralds which you can later use for other value trades. Although if you were to buy building items from this Villager, they can provide you with glazed and normal terracotta, quartz blocks, stone blocks and so much more.

6. Cartographer

Job Block: Cartography Table

These NPC Villagers might seem a little underwhelming but they can provide you with a map of success, quite literally. With enough emeralds and a compass, you can exchange woodland mansion and ocean monument maps with these NPCs. However, the best trade you can make with them is selling them glass and paper in exchange for emeralds.

To make for profitable trades we recommend starting a sugarcane farm so you can have a more than adequate supply of paper. Although you can also hoard sand and make glass panes by smelting the sand down.

5. Toolsmith

Picture of a Toolsmith
(Image via Mojang)

Job Block: Smithing Table

Survival is the most important part of Minecraft and for that, you need two things, food, and tools. We will look at the food aspect later on but for the tools, the toolsmith is going to be your best bet. The Toolsmith can provide you with any tool you need to survive the game ranging from stone axes, stone pickaxes, stone hoes, and stone shovels.

If the regular version of these isn’t enough then you can also buy the enchanted ones. The enchanted ones come in iron and diamond versions, but the only downside is that they require a lot of emeralds. But if you have farms that give you lots of materials that you can exchange for emeralds, then that won’t be a problem.

Look for a Smithing Table to get ahold of a Toolsmith.

4. Fletcher

Picture of a Fletcher
(Image via Mojang)

Job Block: Fletching Table

A Fletcher is going to be your one-stop shop for ranged weapons. However, you can make a profit by selling them sticks and strings as well. For most players, the value of this Villager comes from the fact that they can sell crossbows, bows, arrows, and enchanted arrows that inflict various status effects onto enemies.

The more you trade with these Villagers the higher your trade level goes and the better equipment you can get from them. You can find these Villagers near the Fletching Table. You can make one using flint and any kind of wood plank.

3. Farmer

A Picture of a Farmer
(Image via Mojang)

Job Block: Composter

Talking about the second aspect of survival, food is crucial for you to survive. You can always start farms that will help you get an endless supply of food and that will be extremely profitable when you exchange the goods you produce with these farmers. These farmers provide emeralds to players in exchange for crops like carrots, beetroots, potatoes, and wheat.

You can also buy other dishes from them including cakes, cookies, pumpkin pies, and various assortment of suspicious stews which have effects like Night Vision, Poison, Weakness Jump Boost, and more. You can find these NPCs near a Composter.

2. Librarian

Picture of a Librarian
(Image via Mojang)

Job Block: Lectern

Operating out of a Lecter, these NPCs are some of the most important value-inducing Villagers due to the variety of products they offer. You can find these Villagers near a Lectern and they offer a range of services such as making lanterns, bookshelves, enchanted books, name tags, and compasses you name it. You can find Mending books from these NPCs quite easily.

One can easily create a librarian by placing a Lectern over an Unemployed Villager. The Librarian is at a higher spot due to the sheer value you can get out of them by getting enchanted books. However, you can always take the reign yourself because it is better to have control over what enchantment you put on a tool.

1. Weaponsmith

Picture of a Weaponsmith
(Image via Mojang)

Job Block: Grindstone

Find Grindstones to find the best  Minecraft Villagers in the game. The Weaponsmith is the most important Minecraft Villager because of the selection of weapons they have in store for you. The amount of stuff they can offer you is lesser as compared to other Villagers on this list but they more than make up for that with the quality.

One can use coals and trade with the Weaponsmith to obtain emeralds. However, the real fun starts when you can exchange an Enchanted Iron Sword from them for 7-21 emeralds. The price varies according to the enchantment on the sword. In the Expert and Master levels of trading, you can get Diamond Axes and Diamond Swords from them.

Those are all the Villagers that will bring you the most value in Minecraft. For more Minecraft content just like this, click here.

About the author

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

Adnan Juzar Kachwala


Adnan Kachwala is a Gaming Journalist working as a Content Writer at The SportsRush. Adnan started covering Valorant when he watched Shroud dominate public matches with his aim. He wanted to write about Call of Duty ever since his first Nuclear in Black Ops II. He has an expertise in FPS games like Call of Duty and Valorant and has been covering them along with other games for more than two years. He has written more than 600 articles on both of those games along with other popular AAA titles. He has a Mass Media Degree with a Specialization in Journalism. Adnan has an expertise writing listicles related to Gaming and reviewing newer releases. When he is not making content, you can find him reading books, creating videos and watching Valorant Esports on Twitch.

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