For the best Shotgun Loadout in Warzone 2, we are going to use the Lockwood 300. It is one of the most powerful close-range weapons in Warzone 2 and for good reason. Let us see why.
The Lockwood 300 previously was next to useless in Warzone 2. No one used the weapon and it was a definite D Tier weapon. Now that the devs have buffed it and introduced a new attachment that changes the weapon completely, it has become a fan favorite.
The Haunting Event is out now and players are coming up with customized loadouts for the same. Among them, we are going to look at the best close-range loadout so that you can destroy enemies while being agile at the same time in the game. Let us see how.
- The Best One-Shot Shotgun Loadout in Warzone 2
- Lockwood 300 Alternatives
- Attachment Breakdown
- Secondary: TAQ-56
- Perks and Equipment
- Why You Should Use This Loadout
The Best One-Shot Shotgun Loadout in Warzone 2
The Lockwood 300 has done a complete 180 and become a good weapon to use in close ranges. Previously, it was not seeing the light of the day. That is all because of the Maelstorm Dual Trigger. We are going to cover the purpose of the attachment in the Attachment section. This attachment makes it a meta weapon and the go-to for eliminating zombies.
That being said, we are going to break down the weapon loadout, perks, secondary weapon, and the alternatives you can use if you do not want to use the Lockwood 300.
Lockwood 300 Alternatives
If you are looking for another shotgun to replace the Lockwood 300 with, you can always go with the Bryson 800. However, if you want a close-range weapon that is just as good as the Lockwood 300 then we recommend going with the Lachmann Sub or the ISO 9mm. These two are the go-to SMGs for the Haunting Event for a lot of players.
However, we recommend using the Lockwood 300 because of its one-shot potential. If you haven’t unlocked it, you can quickly do so by entering DMZ and exfilling with the weapon.
Attachment Breakdown

- Trigger Action: Maelstorm Dual Trigger
- Barrel: Matuzek 812 Barrel
- Laser: Schalger ULO-66
- Stock: Heist Stock Mod
- Muzzle: Sakin DB 107
We start off with the most important attachment required for the Lockwood 300 to make it a one-shot weapon. In essence, the Maelstorm Dual Trigger makes it so that the weapon shoots both of its shots at the same time making for a devastating payload instead of one at a time.
Follow that up with the Matuzek 812 Barrel. Another important attachment, the Matuzek Barrel increases the damage range and bullet velocity of the weapon. It also aids in the recoil control slightly and tightens the pellet spread for more accurate shots. A Schlager ULO-66 Laser is a good idea for this loadout as well.
It increases the hip-fire accuracy which we will need in closer ranges since we will be firing from the hip most of the time. The Heist Stock Mod increases the ADS speed, sprint-to-fire speed, and movement speed and betters the hip-fire recoil of the weapon. Essentially, it is an attachment that provides stability and mobility to the weapon for better handling and control.
Finish off the loadout with the Sakin DB 107. It is a crucial attachment that hides your presence in the mini-map by suppressing the weapon. In addition to that, it also increases the bullet velocity, damage range, and recoil smoothness. With all the boosts in bullet velocity, damage range, and mobility, this loadout is sure to pack a punch in close ranges.
Secondary: TAQ-56
The reason we are going for the TAQ-56 is because of its versatility over all ranges. It is good in medium and is quite stable in longer ranges. Plus, with the loadout we will use, we will boost its TTK and stability so that you can track enemies and be on target no matter the range. Take a look at the loadout below that is custom-designed for the Haunting Event.
- Optic: SZ Holo Therm
- Underbarrel: FTAC Ripper 56
- Magazine: 60 Round Mag
- Barrel: 17.5” Tundra Pro Barrel
- Muzzle: Harbinger D20
The thermal scope will help you track and find enemies better in the dark while the FTAC Ripper 56 will provide stability. The extended magazine is a good insurance policy no matter what. The Muzzle and the Barrel are bullet velocity and damage range boosting attachments which will maximize the weapon’s damage and stability, The Harbinger D20 also suppresses the weapon.
Perks and Equipment
- Base Perk 1: Overkill
- Base Perk 2: Double Time
- Bonus Perk: Fast Hands
- Ultimate Perk: High Alert
- Lethal: Throwing Knife
- Tactical: Flash Grenade
For the base perks, we are going to use Overkill and Double Time. For one, we are going to need the TAQ-56, that is why we equip Overkill. Now, Double Time is going to effectively lengthen the duration of the tactical sprint which is important in escaping or chasing enemies down.
For the Bonus Perk, we recommend running Fast Hands since we will need to switch frequently between the TAQ-56 and the Lockwood 300. It also increases the reload speed and equipment use speed. For the Ultimate Perk, we are going with High Alert since it boosts survivability. The perk pulses our vision every time someone has their eye on us. This can help us quickly scramble to cover.
For the Lethal, we recommend a Throwing Knife since they can kill quickly should you be accurate with them. It will also be used to finish downed enemies. The Flash Grenade is good for infiltrating rooms and synergizes well with shotguns.
Why You Should Use This Loadout

This loadout is built to one-shot enemies in closer ranges and does a good job of doing it. Should you need a weapon for medium to long ranges you have the TAQ-56 which is equally lethal and stable. In addition, the perk setup supports survivability and quickness. There will be times when you will need to switch quickly to either weapon and Fast Hands helps you do that.
You can choose any equipment of your choice as long as you are comfortable. Plus, due to the Haunting Event’s darkness, the thermal scope on the TAQ-56 will be a big help.