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The Best X13 Loadout in Warzone 2.0 Season 4 Reloaded

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

An Image of the Feelin Jumpy Blueprint of the X13

The X13 is a secondary weapon in Warzone 2, and this guide will look at the best class loadout for the same.

The season 4 reloaded meta has arrived, and the pistols are looking to replace the SMGs in closer ranges. The X 13 is one of those weapons which will be at the forefront of that meta-change, and it is an excellent time to experiment with it. SMGs are still helpful, but you can equip this hand cannon instead of using a perk slot for Overkill.

This gun’s TTK is second to none, and it kills as fast as most SMGs in the current meta. That being said, let us look at how you can unlock the weapon and the best class loadout to use along with it in the game.

The Best X13 Class Loadout in Warzone 2.0 Season 4 Reloaded

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The X 13 ‘s speed makes it one of the best sidearms to use in the game. To take advantage of its speed, we must put attachments on the gym that complement that ability to shoot and move fast.
Before you walk into Warzone with this weapon, you must unlock it. For a beginner, unlocking weapons can be a bit of a grind, but that is where the DMZ mode comes in. Let us see how you can unlock this weapon.

How To Unlock the X13

Unlocking this weapon can be a bit of a task in the game. You will need to level up the X12 pistol to level 10 to get this weapon. However, to unlock the X 12, you must reach player rank 31, which is quite a tall task for a newer player.
If you do not want to partake in this tedious grinding process, we recommend heading to the DMZ mode.

You can extract the X 13 weapon in DMZ mode, unlocking it in Gunsmith. After you unlock it, you must grind it further to unlock attachments. Once you do, you will need the following attachments to make it the best sidearm in the game.

Weapon Attachments and Breakdown

An Image of the Floral Axis Blueprint of the X13
Floral Axis Blueprint of the X13 (Image via Activision)
  • Magazine: 50-Round Mag
  • Barrel: Impact Point
  • Muzzle: Corvus Series D-40
  • Stock: X13 Coachwhip Stock
  • Rear Grip: Cronen Lima-6

We start with the 50-Round Mag because of several reasons. Firstly, due to the gun’s fire rate, it drains ammo. The second is that it will require more shots to kill than SMGs or ARs. Third, you will need more ammo if you want to take on multiple enemies at the same time.

We equip the Impact Point Barrel since it will help us on several fronts. This attachment turns your pistol almost into an SMG because it increases recoil control and hip-fire accuracy. It also opens up the weapon to extended gunsmithing, which will help us later when we equip a stock on it.

Follow that up with the Corvus Series D-40 Muzzle significantly controls horizontal recoil, which is essential in close-range gunfights. However, it decreases the ADS speed and aiming stability slightly. The X13 Coachwhip Stock helps in some recoil control and increases the aim walking speed slightly, which helps in strafing with the weapon.

The last attachment will be the Cronen Lima-6, which will increase mobility by boosting stats for ADS speeds and sprint-to-fire speeds. This will significantly help you when you are sprinting and ADSing on enemies in close to medium ranges. Combined, these attachments will ensure the gun is optimal for any close-range firefight.

Primary, Perks and Equipment

For a Primary, it is ideal to use medium to long-range weapons like a Battle Rifle, an LMG, or an AR. Any of these three options can help you have a good game. The attachments you put will depend on the weapon and its place in the meta, but any attachment that increases its TTK and Movement speed is an excellent place to start. That being said, let us see what perks you can use.

  • Base Perk 1: Tracker
  • Base Perk 2: Double Time
  • Bonus Perk: Spotter
  • Ultimate Perk: High Alert
  • Lethal: Throwing Knife
  • Tactical: Smoke Grenade

For the first perk, we start with Tracker. It will let you observe enemy footsteps, sneak up on enemies, and kill them. In addition, this perk complements Double Time well since it will be all about chasing the opponent. Double Time doubles the tactical sprint’s duration, increasing the crouch movement speed by 30%.

Pair these two with Spotter, which lets you see enemy equipment through walls. You can spot explosives like C4, Trip Mines, claymores, trophy systems, killstreaks, and field upgrades. You can also highlight these by ADSing so your teammates can spot them too.

For the Ultimate Perkl, we will go with High Alert. High Alert pulses your vision whenever an enemy outside your sight spots you. This will help you avoid trouble. For the lethal, a Throwing Knife is a standard for any loadout that allows easy finishes, and the Smoke Grenade is used to escape danger.

Why Should You Use this Loadout

This loadout makes the X13 in Warzone 2.0 better than most SMGs in the game, and it allows you to save a Perk slot and have other passive buffs that help you excel in the game. The X13 is built in a way that ensures close combat supremacy. In addition, we have long-range weapons that will allow you not to get killed in ranges that the X13 does not excel at.

The perks are built to keep you alive and kicking till at least the Top 10. The lethal and tactical weapons are designed for killing and escaping, respectively. If you liked this Warzone 2.0 class, check out our other ones here.

About the author

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

Adnan Juzar Kachwala


Adnan Kachwala is a Gaming Journalist working as a Content Writer at The SportsRush. Adnan started covering Valorant when he watched Shroud dominate public matches with his aim. He wanted to write about Call of Duty ever since his first Nuclear in Black Ops II. He has an expertise in FPS games like Call of Duty and Valorant and has been covering them along with other games for more than two years. He has written more than 600 articles on both of those games along with other popular AAA titles. He has a Mass Media Degree with a Specialization in Journalism. Adnan has an expertise writing listicles related to Gaming and reviewing newer releases. When he is not making content, you can find him reading books, creating videos and watching Valorant Esports on Twitch.

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