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Amid a $3.42 billion loss for Warner Bros. LeBron James’ upcoming movie gets shelved! 

Jeet Pukhrambam

While the Lakers media day might have brought smiles for LeBron James, it hasn't been too long since his movie got shelved by Warner Bros.

While the Lakers media day might have brought smiles for LeBron James, it hasn’t been too long since his movie got shelved by Warner Bros.

As economies reel back from the cash influx due to the coronavirus pandemic, a recession was bound to occur. And as a result, a lot of companies have recorded massive losses. A recession is looming as per the latest reports.

And while the NBA is enjoying a massive boost in popularity and a growth in revenue, certain players might not be too happy outside the league. Case in point LeBron James, whose movie was shelved by Warner Bros.

The reason for shelving? A $3.42 billion loss for the company during the first quarter of this month. The movie titled “House Party” was supposed to be a remake of the 1990 cult comedy of the same name.

Given LeBron’s luck with remakes we’re not too surprised.

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LeBron James and Maverick Carter’s SpringHill productions get their movie scrapped amid losses from Warner Bros.

The movie had received a green light as well as had started production already. However, the gargantuan losses from Warner Bros. meant that certain titles had to be booted.

The announcement from Warner Bros and its subsidy HBO MAX came about later this year, after presumably consolidating their losses. LeBron would have been rather dejected with this one.

But given how his other remake, or sequel? Shall we say, bombed at the box office, we think LeBron might have saved himself some blushes? And with a crucial season ahead, it is only good that he won’t have distractions outside the game.

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About the author

Jeet Pukhrambam

Jeet Pukhrambam


Jeet Pukhrambam is The SportsRush's Lead Editor for Basketball. After freelancing for five years as an independent writer, Jeet created thousands of blog posts and articles. He now covers intriguing news reports and throwback stories on all things NBA. His interest in NBA started with the ascendancy of Giannis Antetokounmpo in the 2016-17 season. Since then, Jeet has managed to coalesce his knowledge of the game and his writing to create pieces that are reflective of the current state of the league. Now, he ensures that The SportsRush produces the highest quality of writing. In his free time, he enjoys playing football, cooking, traveling, and dancing to techno. Jeet takes pride in his critical thinking, music playlists, and his love for spaghetti.

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