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“LeBron James’ ‘dad’ sued him for $4 million in a DNA scandal’: When the Lakers star and his mother Gloria James were harassed by his alleged father

Arun Sharma

“LeBron James’ ‘dad’ sued him for $4 million in a DNA scandal’: When the Lakers star and Gloria James were harassed by his alleged father

LeBron James is a guy who puts family first – but to date does not know who his father is.

For a person to not know who their father is is one of the greatest tragedies in life – LeBron James is one of them. The Los Angeles Lakers man has gone 37 years without ever finding out who his father is, but one man claimed he was. That man was Leicester Stovell, who claimed to have spent time with his mother Gloria James.

The story goes like this: Leicester chatted up Gloria, who then went on to spend one night together. But the man was so ashamed of what he did, he did not contact her again. But a couple of weeks later, he heard from Gloria saying she was pregnant. Shocked, he said he wanted nothing to do with him. (He was ashamed because he was 29 and she was allegedly 15).

James went on to raise him as a single mother, and when LeBron established himself as one of the dominant forces in the league, Mama James gets a surprise call from an acquaintance from all those years ago. Leicester wanted to reconnect, and know his son, but sensing that he was out to cash in Bron’s success, she kept him away.

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LeBron James has gone 37 years without the identity of his father – But it did not stop him from getting slapped with a lawsuit

Until then, King James did not know anything about this man. When he caught wind of it, he was desperate to know whether it could be true. After a lot of coaxing and calming down, they all agreed to a DNA test, Jerry Springer style.

But as luck would have it, the results came back negative. Suspecting foul play from the James duo, Stovell launched a $4 million lawsuit against the mother and son for defamation, misrepresentation, and fraud.

The judge who was handling the case threw it out the window quite quickly, because it was obvious he was out only for the money and nothing else. It may be this very reason why LeBron is such a good dad to his 3 kids.

James is an exemplary father – not having one made him want to be a role model for the future generation.

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About the author

Arun Sharma

Arun Sharma


Arun Sharma is an NBA Editor at The SportsRush. A double degree holder and a digital marketer by trade, Arun has always been a sports buff. He fell in love with the sport of basketball at a young age and has been a Lakers fan since 2006. What started as a Kobe Bryant obsession slowly turned into a lifelong connection with the purple and gold. Arun has been an ardent subscriber to the Mamba mentality and has shed tears for a celebrity death only once in his life. He believes January 26, 2020, was the turning point in the passage of time because Kobe was the glue holding things together. From just a Lakers bandwagoner to a basketball fanatic, Arun has spent 16 long years growing up along with the league. He thinks Stephen Curry has ruined basketball forever, and the mid-range game is a sight to behold. Sharma also has many opinions about football (not the American kind), F1, MotoGP, tennis, and cricket.

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