Inside the NBA is arguably the most entertaining sports TV show in Television history. Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith, and Shaquille O’Neal have provided quality entertainment to fans for decades. But the entertainers have been caught lacking on set a few times. One of those instances included Barkley dozing off on the show.
Conan O’Brien showed the infamous clip of the incident to the NBA legend when the Chuckster appeared on his show. The late night talk show host then asked him to explain his actions.
Barkley started off very seriously, giving details of the long schedule of the show. He said, “When we do our show, we do our show from 8 at night to 2:30 in the morning.”
But somewhere in between he switched up and decided to tell his version of the truth. Chuck threw his two co-hosts under the bus and pinned the blame on them.
He said, “The truth of the matter is, Shaq and Kenny are so damn boring, I can’t stay awake. You can blame that on Shaq and Kenny, they’re so boring.”
The NBA legend defended himself by adding that he had to spend over six hours with those two and it’s not an easy thing to do.
So if we’re getting it right, Chuck gets bored being around Shaq and Smith and is so tired by the end of it that he can’t even keep his eyes open. Knowing their history and love for banter, if the other two hosts were on O’Brien’s show, they’d have said the same exact thing about Chuck.
Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal fell asleep during the 2021 playoffs
During the first round of the 2021 playoffs matchup between the Washington Wizards and the Philadelphia 76ers, the TNT crew was doing the halftime report. The moment Chuck offered his take on an ongoing discussion, Shaq jumped in to expose his good friend.
He said, “Sorry to interrupt. I know snitches get stitches, but he was not watching the game and I have proof.” Shaq showed a video of Barkley sleeping backstage while the game was playing on a big screen.
But he wasn’t going to leave things at that. Chuck immediately clapped back with a clip of his own. The big fella was also in deep sleep, right next to the TV. Although he tried to defend himself by saying he wasn’t asleep, the clip told a different story.