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Controversial Streamer Jack Doherty Under Fire Again for Mocking Law Enforcement Officers After Speeding in a Residential Area

Nilotpal Chakraborty

Jack Doherty cancelled by his fans after getting caught mocking a police officer

Jack Doherty is currently a major target for harsh criticism on social media as he was found mocking a police officer who had caught him speeding in his Lamborghini Urus in a residential area. For a brief context about Jack Doherty, he started his career by creating content based on chaotic pranks and exciting stunts on YouTube, but eventually entered the world of live streaming by joining under a huge contract. 

His introduction to the streaming industry led him to meet and collaborate with several popular personalities thereby propelling him to immense fame. However, his friend circle was majorly comprised of controversial content creators which eventually changed Jack as a person. Currently, the streamer is recognized internationally as one of the most controversial influencers with unacceptable behavior and fans believe he has a bad influence on teens and young adults.

Although not the first time, the controversial streamer was recently caught by police officers for speeding in his high performance vehicle “Lamborghini Urus” in a residential area. Immediately after pulling Jack over, a police officer approached him explaining how he had been driving in the locality at least 30 m/hr more than the speed limit. The police officer further handed him over a few documents regarding his license and speeding laws thereafter giving him three options to pick so that his driving license does not get suspended.

According to the laws in the US, the act of Speeding is legally prohibited and if caught, the driver either has to pay a penalty or get points added to the license which will lead to increased insurance premiums and in extreme cases suspension of the driving license. 

Moments later after the officer had left, the streamer crossed the boundaries as he fake cried and stated, “I will stop, I will never do it again.” He even proceeded to mock the law enforcement officer by acting/mimicking how he would speed his car in the future. It is important to note that this was not the first time he got caught speeding in the locality. A few weeks prior, a local person had pulled him over for speeding, explaining how dangerous it was to drive so fast in the area.

Fans fear streamers like Jack Doherty will be the reason for streaming’s downfall

Jack Doherty has seemingly brought about a huge change in his personality after he entered the live streaming space. Initially, he focused mainly on pranks but eventually his controversial friend  circle changed him as a person. After that, the streamer was frequently caught stirring up fights, creating chaos in the public, promoting underage drinking and smoking, using fake ID cards to enter nightclubs, speeding, mocking law enforcement officers, and various other controversial behaviors and allegations.

Momentarily, he came to be known as one of the most controversial live streamers in the world with his name used alongside Rangesh “N3on” Mutama, Nico “Sneako” Kenn De Ballinthazy, Yousef “Fousey” Saleh Eraket, and others. Moreover, people believe he isn’t setting a good example for his audience, the majority of whom are teens and young adults. Viewers are also worried about him being a bad influence on their children, who would learn and execute the same.

Interestingly, Fans believe streamers like Jack and N3on are the reason why parents frown upon live-streaming as a full-time profession. The online community did not like Jack Doherty’s behavior and questioned why the streamer was given relevance. A commenter prayed for his driving license to get suspended and for him to get banned from the Kick platform.

About the author

Nilotpal Chakraborty

Nilotpal Chakraborty


Nilotpal Chakraborty is a E-Sports and Media Journalist currently working as a streaming content writer under the Gaming and E-Sports department of The SportsRush. He has been a vivid viewer of live streams, YouTube content, TV shows, and movies for more than 5 years. Using such knowledge he has written more than 500 articles having been in the field for around 3 years. Apart from online content, he loves traveling, and snapping pictures and definitely craves Indian and international delicacies. You may also find him making the delicacies at home.

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