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Viral Realistic Kidnapping Prank on IShowSpeed by arab – Explained

Nilotpal Chakraborty

Arab stages a realistic kidnapping prank on IShowSpeed

arab popularly known as YourFellowArab on the internet recently posted a video explaining how he succeeded in pulling the realistic kidnapping prank on Darren “IShowSpeed” Watkins Jr. during his recent Brazil tour. For a brief context, IShowSpeed visited a Brazilian Favela for an IRL stream a few days back. Although it started out pretty fun, the sudden onset of gang activities and his almost getting kidnapped or even worse in the local streets was a nightmare-com-true situation for Speed.

However, Arab turned out to be the master planner of the prank just to give the streaming sensation a complete experience of the Brazilian Favelas. It turned out that Speed had contacted Arab to help him out with the tour since he had already been to the location. Surprisingly, after sealing the deal the prankster reached a day ahead of the streamer just to make sure the place was safe for his visit.

He explained how the pre-visit was important because he knew how aggressive the gangs were in the area and crime rates were peak high. If not taken care of, the volatile character of Speed could end up being disastrous where the worst-case scenario would be the streamer ending up with bullets in his head.

He met a connect who apparently had served around two years in prison and spoke to him explaining and asking him to make sure the place was safe for Speed. After making a few fun arrangements for the Streamy winner that included a money giveaway, rap battle, football match, and more cultural stuff, Arab jumped in to plan a realistic kidnapping prank with the local goons. It was because of his connect-cum-friend in the favela he was able to make sure the kidnapping incident would turn out to be just a prank and nothing more.

Arab specified not using any weapons other than wooden sticks, chains, and maybe baseball bats. However, he gave them approval for being aggressive on not just Speed but with everyone to make it look realistic. Thereafter, on the day of Speed’s visit, the prank mastermind made sure to inform Speed’s manager and his bodyguard to have their support. Shortly after, the entire team was out to the Favela, and thereby one of the most viral IShowSpeed videos was brought to life.

Did IShowSpeed end up safe in his hotel afterward?

After quite some time of IShowSpeed meeting local people and enjoying the culture, the entire team was directed towards an alleyway. Moments later, as per plans, a few masked gang members attacked the team thereby separating and cornering the streamer. The masked men were aggressive enough to make it scary also making sure no one gets hurt. After a couple of minutes that included aggressive interrogations and threats, Speed broke down to tears fearing and begging for his life.

Just to make sure the prank did not escalate any further, Arab and his connect broke the news of it being a prank. They were seen laughing and dancing with Speed just to make him feel safe and comfortable. After a successful and trending IRL stream and prank, the streaming sensation was returned to the hotel room completely unharmed. On the upcoming days of the tour, IShowSpeed was seen visiting other parts of Brazil, attending the Brazilian soccer national team practice session, meeting and collaborating with Luva De Pedreiro, exploring the local MMA culture, and more.

About the author

Nilotpal Chakraborty

Nilotpal Chakraborty


Nilotpal Chakraborty is a E-Sports and Media Journalist currently working as a streaming content writer under the Gaming and E-Sports department of The SportsRush. He has been a vivid viewer of live streams, YouTube content, TV shows, and movies for more than 5 years. Using such knowledge he has written more than 500 articles having been in the field for around 3 years. Apart from online content, he loves traveling, and snapping pictures and definitely craves Indian and international delicacies. You may also find him making the delicacies at home.

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